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New DS-AX "PoleAx" 1.55 TI arrived!

Surprised honestly Aliexpress usually takes 3 plus weeks to arrive. I ordered the ds-ax 1.55 TI on February 20th and it arrived 3/1/2025. I'm still in shock cause I did the pay over time interest free and didn't even make the 2nd payment and here it is.

So far fit/finish is great no issues. It comes shrink wrapped and even has a soft clear washer I guess for head/handle alignment for handles that aren't round or have unique patterns or designs like the Darwin/Chippendale handle. Tried it with several different handles, no issues with the threads or machining marks.

I didn't get a chance to use it, had to go out of town and already shaved for the day but just received the Lupo 1.27 and wanted to run with it for two weeks, but promised a friend on here i would do a review after a couple shaves on the Pole-Axe so Monday or Tuesday will do a review.

Please feel encouraged to contribute about this razor.


Cool and slimy
Hello, good to hear that it already arrived.

Did you already get taxed, any extra fees?

When shaving remember, the huge gap and design of the head give you a lot of freedom to go as steep or shallow as you like. I usually go vertical! ;)

I suggest replacing the washer if it is a super soft one, this might vary. I had nylon washers but also acrylic or silicone washers, so whatever you get is the flavor of the month, something like that. I prefer the hard nylon washers, they don't deform and the silicone ones are sometimes hard to get off as they are simply too soft.

This said, some people just don't use washers, they are optional to prevent scratches that can happen with this or that baseplate and handle. I don't use washers for most Alpha Shaving handles and my Blackbird does nicely without, too, for example.

This was longer than the actual text.
@Iridian well sir if it wasn't for you holding a gun to my head I wouldn't have pulled the trigger, Thank you for that "nudge", you were very helpful (while my GF is reading this staring at your avatar with fire in her eyes for the money i spent, JK)

Thanks once again.

What handle do you plan to use with it?
that my good sir is a great question, my GF bought me the chippendale (WR Darwin clne from DSC) so I don't know if i want to use that handle on the Lupo razor or the Pole-Axe, since it's a smaller handle thickness it fits the smaller head design of the Lupo aesthetically better, but i'm not sure. I would still need a handle for the pole-axe that way, why do you have some good suggestions? maybe like a DSC or Yaqi TI handle? go ahead encourage me and twist my arm I dare you!!! (cause I need a nudge once in a while)


Is it swell time?
Mine looks rather cool using a Razorock Barberpole handle. The Timeless is amazing of course, but unfortunately mine locks and doesn’t go all the way up the threads. I have the stainless version 1 by the way.

Enjoy! It is a great razor.
Mine looks rather cool using a Razorock Barberpole handle. The Timeless is amazing of course, but unfortunately mine locks and doesn’t go all the way up the threads. I have the stainless version 1 by the way.

Enjoy! It is a great razor.
That’s the handle I have on the Lupo ATM, aggressive little bugger when it was brand new wasn’t it? I had to remove a few top layers of skin over those prickly like needle grippers in the handle and it mellowed down.
The Timeless is amazing of course, but unfortunately mine locks and doesn’t go all the way up the threads. I have the stainless version 1 by the way.

Enjoy! It is a great razor.
Before throwing the timeless in the trash get ahold of me, lol. That timeless is a super nice looking handle, I dont think I could pull the trigger on a $60 handle though but yeah that would be a superb handle for it. Maybe i'll find a used one someday.
i have used it for the first time, I really think that my review might surprise alot of people, maybe tick off some, IDK. Goint to get a few shaves for sure in on it before I write it up, so there are no user errors or user

When I write a review I do it in a playful fun way with still making real points and truthfulness. but i'm not a serious person and tell it like it is, some people dont like my behavior or brutal "i dont give a *explicit word inserted here*" attitude. If this offends you I get it, heck i don't even like myself and have to live with me everyday. But i'm that way in real life and usually can get along with almost anybody, but man there is always a few that really just don't like me more than just don't like. I think it's either a like or hate thing, no in-betweens.

But I will do my best to give the best, honest review of how it works for me. I hope me writing reviews help even just 1 person or at least make someone LOL.
Working on the review, struggling writing it because I have really mixed feelings on this. Should finish up late tonight. I am struggling with a Bi-polar reaction to this razor.
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