Remember to forget me!
I don't fully understand why water retention is an issue for some people's brush choices. I do want plenty of water in my lather, but don't need my brush to retain water separately, or prior to loading. If at any point, I need more water, I'll just dip the tips in the mug to collect some.
I should probably clarify that. I have a mug of water on the back of the sink that's treated with a little pinch of citric acid. I use that for the lather, rather than soften a whole sink full of water.
So whether it's hydrating the initial lather, of hydrating further on subsequent passes, I prefer to add as needed, as I go along. Doesn't matter to me whether that's boar, badger, or synthetic. What the lather needs, the lather gets.
I should probably clarify that. I have a mug of water on the back of the sink that's treated with a little pinch of citric acid. I use that for the lather, rather than soften a whole sink full of water.
So whether it's hydrating the initial lather, of hydrating further on subsequent passes, I prefer to add as needed, as I go along. Doesn't matter to me whether that's boar, badger, or synthetic. What the lather needs, the lather gets.