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Name my next dogs

Ike & Tina

Tom & Jerry

Gilligan & Skipper

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Jack & Coke

Mork & Mindy

Dean & Jerry

Jan & Dean

Lady & the Tramp

Sonny & Cher

Shaggy & Scooby

Laurel & Hardy

Captain & Tenielle

Deleuze & Guattari

Jake & Dinos

Crate & Barrel

Ogilvy & Mather

Princess & the Pea

Puss & Boots

Locke & Hobbes

Master & Margarita

Sid & Nancy

Smith & Wesson

Han & Chewie

Carlos & Charlie

Lord & Taylor

Cheese & Crackers

Salt 'n' Pepa
I like it! :thumbup: (You could go with "Badge" for short on the first, owing to my theory that one syllable is plenty sufficient for an animal name.)

That is pretty pretty good. It would hide the stole of nerdliness that I'm working on:biggrin:

I've always thought Phobos and Deimos or Castor and Pollux would be good names for a pair of dogs. To put it in context, I want a Dogue de Bordeaux named Xerxes too.

In the end, naming my dogs seems to be futile. They the dogs I have had end up naming themselves after a few weeks.

Very nice :thumbsup:

Kirk & Spock

Winston & FDR

Adlai & Ike

Lyndon & Hubert

Frodo & Sam

I like Adlai & Ike

dang. she beat me to it.

How about "anathema" and "sit"? Let's see those nerdly points pay off now. :w00t:

Curse it? :confused: If that's not it, I'm going to need a little help:blushing:

Kirk & Spock? You know that one works for me. Frodo & Sam aren't bad either :thumbsup:

Trumper & Taylor?

You are working on your stole of nerdliness too I see :lol::lol:

Tagg & Torr


This is good too
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