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Myrsol shaving cream tub - quantity issue or is this normal?

A quick image search on google shows the pot should be full:



And that’s how all my tubs of Myrsol shaving cream have looked so far (including a few with fat spots like you can see in the top tub), but mine all came the short way straight from Spain.

Note that Myrsol shaving creams have the consistency of a soft soap, not unlike Proraso.
I have also used the even softer, big 1 kg (2.2 lb) buckets of Myrsol shaving cream and know from this product that Myrsol contains quite a bit of water that can evaporate.
In a nutshell, Myrsol (check the ‘crema’ on the label) is sold as shaving cream, is certainly NOT triple milled, and ‘soft’ means here that it contains water.

And this is what I suspect happened to your shaving cream, either because of long storage or because the tub was not perfectly sealed a sizeable amount of water has evaporated. Outside of Spain, Myrsol is not that well known, and some sellers may sit on their stock for quite some time.

I would just shave with it and if it works it’s fine.
Sending it back will cost you postage and, if my old stock theory is correct, any exchange tub might look similar.

Hope this helps,

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And that’s how all my tubs of Myrsol shaving cream have looked so far (including a few with fat spots like you can see in the top tub), but mine all came the short way straight from Spain.

Note that Myrsol shaving creams have the consistency of a soft soap, not unlike Proraso.
I have also used the even softer, big 1 kg (2.2 lb) buckets of Myrsol shaving cream and know from this product that Myrsol contains quite a bit of water that can evaporate.
In a nutshell, Myrsol (check the ‘crema’ on the label) is sold as shaving cream, is certainly NOT triple milled, and ‘soft’ means here that it contains water.

And this is what I suspect happened to your shaving cream, either because of long storage or because the tub was not perfectly sealed a sizeable amount of water has evaporated. Outside of Spain, Myrsol is not that well known, and some sellers may sit on their stock for quite some time.

I would just shave with it and if it works it’s fine.
Sending it back will cost you postage and, if my old stock theory is correct, any exchange tub might look similar.

Hope this helps,


i wouldnt mind another puck for the hassle from the retailer or some partial refund. If i were this retailer id just send another puck of it as its clearly not selling and call it a day , which id be fine with. I agree it could be old stock but not my fault that most a sizeable amount of the product is gone :(
The water is gone, not the product. As I said at the start of the thread, you could rehydrate it, or just use it. Either way, you aren't really missing anything.

Cool so by your logic, products can now just offer a lot less than their stated weight and just say, oh yea that was just water right? Plenty of gentlemen ive spoken to agree that this isnt how its supposed to be.. A very good friend who knows a lot about myrsol says this is not right as well. I paid quite a bit for this one puck hence why im upset.. 64.86$ shipped Canadian dollars.. So excuse me for expecting a proper full looking container and not an old aged tiny puck..

Just had to laugh… 🤭

What if the seller sends the OP a small bottle (10 fl.oz) of Dasani 🚰 water to compensate for the loss (of water, of course)? 🤷‍♂️


didnt realize this was a school yard


I'm a Lumberjack.
I guess the puck hasn’t been used but it looks old for sure. As was mentioned if I got that on a deep discount that would be one thing but that’s just not right. Hopefully the seller responds to you. If you are in Canada I suggest switching to T&S.
Cool so by your logic, products can now just offer a lot less than their stated weight and just say, oh yea that was just water right? Plenty of gentlemen ive spoken to agree that this isnt how its supposed to be.. A very good friend who knows a lot about myrsol says this is not right as well. I paid quite a bit for this one puck hence why im upset.. 64.86$ shipped Canadian dollars.. So excuse me for expecting a proper full looking container and not an old aged tiny puck..

didnt realize this was a school yard

A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life. — Hugh Sidey

I am sorry for your loss.


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Cool so by your logic, products can now just offer a lot less than their stated weight and just say, oh yea that was just water right?

and its out of production now im pretty sure...

At least my logic is internally consistent. I don't buy old stock and expect it to be miraculously free of the ravages of time...

Now tell me, when you get your replacement tub into your bathroom to shave with, what is the first thing you will add to it to make lather?
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