TTO dual comb adjustable slant.Why not a dual comb adjustable slant?
TTO dual comb adjustable slant.Why not a dual comb adjustable slant?
KGB TTO dual comb adjustable slant.TTO dual comb adjustable slant.
KGB TTO dual comb adjustable slant.
I think my RAD died. I don't actively seek anything out or monitor listings on auction sites anymore. If I happen upon something in the wild (rare) I won't hesitate to snap it up though.Nice set up. I also have the BB Ti and it was my grail, until I got the Lambda Ares V2. That did it for me. Of course, now I am waiting on the Athena. RAD lives forever in all of us. Damn.
So you have RAC. Razor Acquisition Controlled.I think my RAD died. I don't actively seek anything out or monitor listings on auction sites anymore. If I happen upon something in the wild (rare) I won't hesitate to snap it up though.