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My Arko stick has run out! what to do?

Get a Palmolive stick. Better lather and better scent. Not that I really dislike arko. I just like Palmolive sticks more.
A "real man" NEVER runs out of Arko


+ 1
My 8 year old loves to go in the bathroom after I've shaved with Arko. He loves the smell in the air. Lemony fresh aroma.

Funny. Only one time has my wife come into the bathroom while I was shaving and said, "That smells great! What is it?" It was, of course, Arko. I then opened my big stupid mouth and said, "That's funny, a lot of the guys think it smells like a urinal puck or toilet bowl cleaner." She replied, "Yeah, I guess they're right." Now every time she smells Arko she asks if I'm shaving with the toilet bowl cleaner. I've never found the scent offensive, just too strong straight out of the wrapper. After leaving it out to mellow for a few weeks, I find the scent quite nice.
Any one here used Camelot? saw it on the bay from a Turkish vendor along with Arko, Derby and the other two whos' names I cant remember.
The Turkish soaps are Arko, Derby (also in puck form), Tweex, GZD and Camelot, but camelot is hard to find
those are the ones. Camelot is being sold by this fellow mustaphaturk2010 on the Bay. Low feed back score though.
I got a little over 6 months out of my first Arko stick. Using it for all but maybe 5 shaves, and I'm a daily shaver. I had lather left over after a three pass shave every time. I don't know how someone could go through a stick in 3 months.
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