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Mumblings of a 20-year-old shaver


Born to häckla
@BigAlVista sad because i tapped out that story again?

And it's a funny story. I re-learned why i never wear white clothes and pop cap FPs don't go in any pocket. My 1st FP was a IDK screw on cap i got at a flea market and i put it in my shorts/pants pockets all the time. So i did the same with my Safari. And the laughs and jokes that day were great, especially i didn't know what happened until after i met up with my people who were in the line to get into Monmuth Park. My "long" walk had them laughing so hard most of the line of people looked around and started laughing and my dumbbutt was doing a goofy waving thing at my people. So my arms are up waving around while my shorts look like i was stabbed/shot.
For those type of use I put my Kaweco Brass Sport. Yes a snap on cap fountain pen in your pocket.... Nope
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Today’s shave 3/2/25:

Pre-Shave: Hot Water
Soap: MSS #4
Brush: Omega 48 Boar
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Cobalt Ceramic
Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Gillette Nacet
After-Shave: PAA Sun Down
Post-Shave: Nivea Sensitive Balm

Song of the Shave: One Beer by MF DOOM

Rating: 9.5 (Almost BBS)

Great shave today, MSS #4 working its wonders again. Took some extra time to load and got a really creamy lather but still dialing in that water to soap ratio as it was a little too rich for my first pass. The Tech wasn’t as good as the Slim with the Nacet, felt like it took some more attention and left some stubble after 3 passes. I feel like I have plateaued with my shave results but that’s not a bad thing but I’ll figure out my problem spots soon. PAA had a bit too much menthol, but smelled fine. Two misty weepers today but that happens. Overall can’t complain. Big week ahead but it was a nice Sunday off. Hopefully some good snow coming our way. Have a great Monday!

In the army I mainly used a Schick Tracer. Nice little gimmick with the bendy blades. Not sure when I switched to Mach 3's from Gillette. Probably when I read The Art Of Shaving in the early 00's and started using a brush because that is what they were selling with fancy handles. I never bought one of their fancy handles though, just the normal Mach 3.

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