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More efficient Muhle r89?

I haven't used a Progress but it does have a lot of fans.

I have read that the Parker Variant (a copy of the Progress design) shaves very similarly to the Progress. I have the Variant and it is a great razor for me.

For a little higher quality adjustable, the Pearl Flexi is also quite good IMO.
I have the progress 500 and 510. Its decent. Is the flexi as nice?
I think the Flexi is a step up from the Parker Variant and Merkur Progress because it's all brass (the Variant and Progress have cast metal top caps). It's hefty but shaves extremely well. Pearl sells the Flexi in both safety bar and open comb versions. Great razor IMO.
One razor that has a similar head to the DE 89 but is adjustable would be the Yaqi TFC adjustable, it has a similar scalloped safety bar and can be fine tuned to your shaving needs. Another similar head and in adjustable is the Merkur progress I just remembered. I own the Yaqi TFC and it works well and is designed similar to the famous Gibbs French 1930's adjustable.
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Have some great shaves!
I can’t seem to find this razor.
They also have a black handled one like I have. They are out selling more of the black handled ones even though the all chrome one was out first on the market.

🤣 I like the all Chrome model best so, that is the one I have saved in my history.
This kind of turned into a shimming discussion. For me, I'm not into using shims, to each his own. Back to the original question. I love my R89, and I too find it just a tad too mild depending on the blade I'm using (and I like a mild razor). My aggression scale is probably closer to Geo's from Shave nation. On that basis, I would agree with him that the R89 is about a 4 on aggression. I've recently got a Rockwell 2C. I found the Rock using plate 3 is what I feel is about a 5 aggression. Very aggressive razors give me some irritation, and are generally unpleasant for me to use. I think I found my goldilocks answer with the Rock w/ plate 3. Very efficient, still in the mild part of the spectrum.
I have been testing DE blades since the beginning of this year, attempting to see which blades last me for a week.

I have made a conscious effort to include my Edwin Jagger DE89 Kelvin because the objective was to get a close shave with an average razor. With this in mind, I substituted the DE89 for the King C. Gillette, which us essentially a DE89/R94 clone (I can't discern any difference between them, functionality speaking).

By coincidence, I had been thinking about another razor that I had not been shaving with because I don't particularly like the handle.

This is the:

Parker Safety Razor, THE CONVERTIBLE 69CR Duel Head Double Edge Safety Razor with Both Open and Closed Comb Heads Included to Customize your Shave, Includes 5 Parker Blades too.


The closed comb head is yet another clone. The reasons I don't care for the handle is that the knurling is very sharp. Not only the knurling itself but the circles that you can see that are recessed into the handle have sharp edges where they are cut. I don't prefer the bright gold brass look, as I more prefer a darker bronze appearance.

But, after using this razor with an Israeli made Personna Platinum blade, I was pleasantly surprised at how close the shave was. And, without much effort at all.

I decided to set aside the factory handle. I removed my K.C.G. head back under the counter. Yesterday, I again shaved with the Parker head using the K.C.G. handle. Very nice shave.

This head is easy to shave with and a bit more efficient than my other R89 type razors.

I shaved today with the Rocca R94. The Parker was not as close of a shave as the R94 but it was very close!

Taking into consideration that the R94 is typically selling for $121 online and the dual head Parker is priced at $36.99 on Amazon, the Parker has a distinct pricing advantage.

Plus, with the Parker, you get the extra open comb head for when you have that extra growth. I'm giving consideration to shaving with the Parker's open comb head tomorrow.
As a follow-up. I hadn't been using the Parker because I don't particularly care for the handle.

I have been using the K.C.G. and the DE89 because I have been doing a 1-Blade 1-Week thread experiment since the beginning of the year.

I have been using these razors a lot because they represent a standard reference razor.

I decided to get out the Parker and use it with the K.C.G. handle.

The 34c is less efficient than my Edwin Jagger DE89 or my King C. Gillette, both of which I consider to be dead average razors.

Either one will move you from a 4.5 to a 5.0 on efficiency.

For to move up to a 5.5, I might suggest the Parker Safety Razor, THE CONVERTIBLE 69CR Duel Head Double Edge Safety Razor with Both Open and Closed Comb Heads Included to Customize your Shave, Includes 5 Parker Blades too.


This dual headed razor is priced at $36.99 on Amazon. I shave with it yesterday and the day before.

I consider the Parker to be very close to the Rocca R94 as far as efficiency goes but far less expensive

It will give you that very efficient "baby face" smooth shave that is about as aggressive than a typical DE89/R94. Yet it shaves close to the R41.

Used it this week with the 7-O'clock Yellow and the Treet King. Very close and very smooth!

It still gives you the feeling of shaving with a K.C.G. or DE89 but noticeable more efficient.

I was perhaps wondering if I’m seeking too much of a Goldilocks scenario in asking this. I find myself loving the Muhle r89 but wishing it was just ever so slightly more efficient. Even with a Kai / feather blade. I love the blade angle on it. I’m wondering if anyone knows if such a thing exists without such a drastic jump in efficiency. I give the example, if the Muhle is a 6 inefficiency, I’d love to find a 7 (7.5
Max) . I tried the rocca r95 and find it too much for me.
Muhle R41 is the answer...you should step up and try it, once you've mastered it i doubt you will use another razor 😀
I’ve tried one, not for me

I have the R41 head. It is fine. But now that I have other razors and tried many blades, I can better see that the R41 isn't for everyone.

The Muhle Rocca R94 will shave you almost as close and do it more comfortably. It is an expensive razor though.

I have used it a bit this week. But I finished my seventh shave this week with the Gillette Platinum in the Dark Blue tuck, with the Parker 69CR (above).

It's that simple step-up from the typical R89 style head. It shaves nice and close, it is easy to shave with and is not expensive.

I don't like the handle at all, so I use the K.C.G. At the end of the day, it's like using a new and improved K.C.G.

I still have a pretty clean shaven feel some 17-hours later. I can feel the whiskers polking through if I rub against the grain but so what?

I think there is limit as to how close you can shave without irritation?
I ordered the MJ-90A as they list this razor as slightly more aggressive.

Apologies for necromancing this old thread but if you are still using B&B, what did you think about the MJ-90A ? is it what it is promised to be, namely a more efficient R89 but with quite similar design ?

I also figured I'd mention the following to those landing on this thread by search:

The parker 89r or 91r or 94r (closed comb head looking like a DE89 or R89) is exactly that, a similar design but one step above in efficiency / blade feel.
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