You don't have to decide the rest of your life from a first date. Relax and have fun! If it turns into something, great! If not, so what? Yappy dog, Sweet Tea, Tequila Sunrise! These are not very meaningful criteria to judge someone. I recommend you hold off on the judging and coast a little. Much more important is: Does she have a good heart?: Can you communicate with her?; Do your interests overlap? These may take a while to find out. Who cares what some bartender thinks! She loves animals and has a nice house. These seem like good things to me. She even went out of her way to try new things with you. That is also a good sign.
-They seem very much straight out of a Fellini film...
I love Fellini! A New Years Eve party with a cast of Fellini characters sounds like a whole lot of fun!
-They seem very much straight out of a Fellini film...
I love Fellini! A New Years Eve party with a cast of Fellini characters sounds like a whole lot of fun!