Still in! Woo hoo we finished the month!
View attachment 1629778
Last shave of March for me
2023 GRUYERE #49 - Still in
March 2023 GRUME #23 - Still in
Vintage April, 2023
Date: 03.30.23
Days growth: 2
Head shaver
Razor: 1940's Gillette Tech razor
Blade: Feather (4)
Brush: Parker pure badger
Pre-shave: Hot shower using Dr. Bronner's eucalyptus on face and head with facial scrubber
Lather: Proraso green
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements blue/white
Passes: 1
Post Shave Routine and products:
1 - Hot rinse with microfiber towel X2
2 - Cold rinse with microfiber towel X1
3 - Alum block
4 - Cold rinse with microfiber towel X1
5 - Aftershave - Osage rub
6 - Balm: LEA 3in1
Time from shower on to dressed and ready: 39 min
NOTES: I needed a quick invigorating shave. One nice quick pass with all menthoaled products (eucalyptus kind of but not really). A DCS/DFS, very pleased. I'm usually a 3 or 4 day shaver but needed to shave today for important personal business.
Quality: 9.75/10
Comfort: 10/10
Enjoyment: 10/10
From America's mountain
View attachment 1629779
My only gripe about Colorado, the dang wind!!Another month finished. No shave today as of yet...
On a side note-
Had no idea you're a neighbor. Hope it's not as windy down there today as it is here.
Happy shaves all!!!
Well, that's helpful feedback - thanks. Like you, for me, the Nacet beats the 7 O'Clock Green, though they are very close. Because I'm not going to give Russia any of my money, once my stash of Nacets runs out, I'll be switching, and thought I might go with a different 7 O'Clock, from India. It looks like the Blue Dura Sharp are made in Pakistan, so they may be an long journey to find that best of best blade today was a eye opener
the Treet Dura Sharp beat out my #1 Nacet
a bit ago it had beat out my green 7 and said I had to come back later to compare it more
So kinda confirms todays thoughts but will need some more shaves of course !
Funny when something beats out something you thought was your top that kinda HUH what is happening how can this be its such a cheap blade ($6.99 at A jungle shop site) and treet have a odd/bad rep it seems
More thoughts on this here in my journal
Glad it helpedWell, that's helpful feedback - thanks. Like you, for me, the Nacet beats the 7 O'Clock Green, though they are very close. Because I'm not going to give Russia any of my money, once my stash of Nacets runs out, I'll be switching, and thought I might go with a different 7 O'Clock, from India. It looks like the Blue Dura Sharp are made in Pakistan, so they may be an option.