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Manliest Smelling Shaving Cream

I couldn't find anything on the market manly enough for me, so I made my own.

I added WD-40 and Hoppe's No.9 to a melt and pour soap base and now I'm the No. 1 stud in the trailer park.
Ah.... I see what's going on here. The cream guys want to chime in on what is "manly" since the soap guys have been doing it lately..... so BUMP!

I will say, TOBS Mr. Taylor, T&H Grafton, D.R. Harris Marlborough.

I couldn't find anything on the market manly enough for me, so I made my own.

I added WD-40 and Hoppe's No.9 to a melt and pour soap base and now I'm the No. 1 stud in the trailer park.

Sometimes, it would be really nice to have a "Like" button available here at B&B
Another revival of an old thread.

Anyway, although it is not very popular here, I will throw out J. Peterman's 1903 Shaving Cream. This is, in fact, the manliest shaving cream out there. According to the website, it smells like (and pararphrasing a little) “old woody fougère, citrus, bergamot, clary sage, cardamom, with leather notes, smoky labdanum…elemi, tabac, frankincense."

To translate, it is quite strong and really does smell like something you just pulled out of a dusky old trunk from 1903. It reeks of cigar/pipe smoke and leather. You might as well be sitting in the men's smoking room at the Biltmore Estate while shaving with it.
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One of my standard creams is Palmolive Classic. The name already implies it's classic with a dito smell. Since I associate classic with the way my father smelled after a shave (and probably my grandfather as well) it has the most manly feel to me from any scents...
Well, I kinda have a thing for shaving creams that aren't heavily scented. I figure any scent is a manly scent as long as you don't smell like you were involved in a perfume department shelving disaster.
The Russian shaving cream Soapy Svoboda.

No fancy fragance.

Just pure chemical but maybe with a touch of petrol grease scent.
Buy Musgo Real "Classic Scent" cream or soap, but before you use it, ask your girls to "check out" the strong smell from your new gear. :001_cool: Watch your ego inflate. That's what happened to me last Christmas, I never cared for perfumes or AS, and I was unsure because my soap really stands its ground.
Another vote for both Tabac and Proraso Green. The only more "manly" scent I can think of would be bourbon and pipe smoke... I haven't tried Mitchell's wool fat, but from what I've read of its scent, that sounds pretty masculine to me, too, or at least rugged and wooly.
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