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I'm looking on my iPhone right now...I made a note on them.

Stainless Steel/Titanium Razor head weights.

ATT X1: 41g
La Faulx: 30.9
Blutt BR-1 1.20: 32.6g
Claymore Evolution: 33.8g
Rocnel Elite SS: 43.1g
Timeless hybrid 0.68OC heads: 34.4g and 28.4g respectively
Interesting that the Timeless heads are so much lighter!
Anyways, I hope that Colonial expands and hope that the CR7 is just the beginning.
The General was very favored!
And from what I've read, the guy that's making them now is an engineer so he's not just slapping together some "whatever" razors.
They seem to have been thought out.
Looking forward to their future!!
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Good evening all,
Shave #2 tonight with the Colonial CR7 (#3)
Can't really say anymore than what I already said in yesterday's review.
20 hours before the rough stubble started to show up which is up there with my best razors.
An Immaculate shave tonight that was as good as yesterday's!!
It's really good my friends! :)
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Not made for these times.
Good evening all,
Shave #2 tonight with the Colonial CR7 (#3)
Can't really say anymore than what I already said in yesterday's review.
20 hours before the rough stubble started to show up which is up there with my best razors.
An Immaculate shave tonight that was as good as yesterday's!!
It's really good my friends! :)
Glad to hear, Larry.

Enjoy your day, my friend
Just checked tracking for both my Bronze Guerrilla and Stando Mokosz.
The Guerrilla has already crossed into the US and still shows a delivery date of Thursday.
I'm doubtful of that though because it's in North Dakota and it's being trucked all the way here.
And the Mokosz has already cleared customs in NY and is enroute to Florida. I'm expecting that one before the weekend (hopefully).
They should both arrive within a day of each other.
We'll see!


Not made for these times.
I was just eating Taco Bell for lunch while reading this! 😂
No bots though since I just use the app on my phone!

Sorry Larry, I couldn't help myself. 😆

It was driving through the drive through. It started talking to me. It has been down the last two times I have been through and I also use the app.
I've experienced those quite a bit in the last couple of years. Taco Bell has had them here for a while (and they work fine). I guess they've worked out the bugs here!
First place I ever experienced one was at Checkers (Rally's up North) and they messed up my order back then but now they work perfectly.
OK, so I had my first shave with the Colonial CR7 plate 3!
I used a German Schick blade and had my normal 2 pass WTG/XTG shave after showering.
1.5 days of growth (plenty)!
I'm the type of shaver that I can pretty much tell from the first few shaves whether a razor will work for me
or not in the long term. And sometimes even after the first shave!
I will also say right off the bat if a razor is good or if it stinks.

This is just day#1 results, but here it is:
This is a great razor, period!!
-The build, fit and finish: Excellent!
-Smoothness: A+
-Efficiency: A+
-Handle: Awesome with plenty of grip, perfect length and perfect width
-Weight & Balance: A+ for an aluminum razor. It feels like your shaving with a very solid mass razor.

The Wolfman Guerrilla is my other excellent aluminum razor but the Colonials head is heavier and it's balanced for the weight to go towards the head (a good thing for me). The Guerrilla is equally balanced across the whole razor.
I weighed both heads:
Colonial 14g, Guerrilla 8 grams. Big difference for an aluminum razor!
Another comparison I can make would be the Henson AL13 +++.
It's good but it ain't this good. The Colonial blows it out of the water!!

1. The Colonial has something I've never seen in an aluminum razor: No drag!
And I don't mean the suction effect. I mean drag from the aluminum material which is typical of aluminum razors.
I don't know how they did it (I guess something in the finish) but it's got zero drag!
Even the Guerrilla has a bit of this!
2. Zero suction effect (which is an issue with the Henson and most pre-set angle razors.
The Colonial doesn't have a limited angle head!
The gap is minimal and it's got positive blade exposure. Multiple shave angles are possible with this razor!
They don't publish any numbers but to my untrained eyes, I'd say the gap is somewhere between .50-.60
and the exposure .02-.05 (on plate #3). Very clamped & blade almost to the edge (1mm) resulting
in zero chatter. Nice lather slots too that work great!!

I'm betting that this razor would probably suit most shavers (unless you want an aggressive razor)
which this razor isn't. The blade feel is there but it's toned down to the point of total comfort.
Remember, this is plate 3, I don't know what the other two plates must be like but I don't need them.
Specs. from the Colonial website:
Plate 1: Neutral exposure & aggression 2/10
Plate 2: Positive exposure & aggression 4/10
Plate 3: Positive exposure & aggression 6/10

Bottom line:
No negatives to speak of, they did their homework on what works and what doesn't.
This wasn't some randomly made razor to simply throw into a crowded market.
This razor works exceptionally well and I'd recommend it to anyone that likes what they've read
up above. I don't know how long they'll be around (hopefully a long time) but I'm sure I'll order
a second one soon to keep as a backup. It's a perfect travel razor!
If they'd make one in another heavy metal, I'd buy it today!
As always though, YMMV!
I don't think I have any complete aluminum razors other than my Overlander. I don't think I have experienced anything I would call drag. I haven't used it much, but, it is already one of my top razors.

EDIT I did have an aluminum Windsor Pro but I don't think I ever shaved with it.
I've experienced those quite a bit in the last couple of years. Taco Bell has had them here for a while (and they work fine). I guess they've worked out the bugs here!
First place I ever experienced one was at Checkers (Rally's up North) and they messed up my order back then but now they work perfectly.
The first time I had a bot at Taco bell it was unnerving, but, it worked fine. The second and third time they started with the bot and then handed me off to a person. The last two times I had a live person from the start. I just might be a bit of a Luddite where AI is concerned. My brother is just the opposite. He sees all kinds of uses for it and is excited with every advancement.
I don't think I have any complete aluminum razors other than my Overlander. I don't think I have experienced anything I would call drag. I haven't used it much, but, it is already one of my top razors.

EDIT I did have an aluminum Windsor Pro but I don't think I ever shaved with it.
I've never had the Overlander in any material. Maybe that one also negates the drag issue!
I've had plenty other aluminum razors though and they've all had that drag issue (including the Windsor "slightly").
The Overlander seems to be univerally loved, so it probably has none of those problems.
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Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I’m excited for some of AI, but it is currently overhyped. When a claim is made AI can do something amazing (such as detect stuff on an ontological scan better than trained human eyes), I remember the replication crisis in studies and people faking out the investing world with imaginary blood testing devices.

I need AI successfully treating cancer for at least 10 years before I’ll trust it with my frozen Baja Blast.

My brass and aluminum Overlanders both have drag if I use too much pressure. They forgive such foolishness, but reward a light touch. And might not be enough for Larry as they’re mild.
Maybe I am just not sensitive to drag issues. I don't think I have experienced it with any razor thus far.
It could be, since we know that skin type, hair type, growth, soap used etc.. plays a role in how a razor feels & performs.
That's why I research when I buy: to zone in on what I think might work for me.
in the end, I sometimes still will buy & try even though said razor might be outside of my "specs zone".
Because sometimes it'll still work!
And sometimes it's too pretty to say no! 😂
It's weird!
It could be, since we know that skin type, hair type, growth, soap used etc.. plays a role in how a razor feels & performs.
That's why I research when I buy: to zone in on what I think might work for me.
in the end, I sometimes still will buy & try even though said razor might be outside of my "specs zone".
Because sometimes it'll still work!
It's weird!
Thom mentioned his brass overlander. The aluminum overlander is good for daily shaving for me but more than a few days I need something a bit more efficient. My WR2 1.25 SB for instance, and as of today my SE Micromatic Bullet tip. That really wowed me. Normally I need at least the WR2, but, the Bullet tip scythed through a week+ whiskers like they were nothing. This makes me have more interest in gem razors.
Weird, now UPS says my delivery date is tomorrow even though my Guerrilla is sitting in North Dakota.
Only way they can pull that off is by using a plane since everything they send by plane has to get processed through
Louisville. And as far as I know, UPS standard international is all ground.
These carriers are nuts!
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