That's freakin' genius!! Why didn't I think of that??
Thanks, feel free to use that, but if you do, I'll require a $.25 royalty fee every time you replace a blade...
I keed....

That's freakin' genius!! Why didn't I think of that??
Where do they think that wrapper is going? My 7 O'Clock yellows are double wrapped and they still glob on all that glue/wax.
Ditto, but I really don't find the glue to be a pain in the glue-teus.
Ditto, but I really don't find the glue to be a pain in the glue-teus.
how about in the Astra?
Had an Astra in my #21. Didn't worry about the wax/glue. Put with the wax/glue side up.
Opened up the #21 today to clean, some resistance to opening then ......TWANG !!!!!!
Out flys the blade
Lands ( luckily ) on the sink in front of me.
Sometimes I scrape the wax/glue off the shaving edge and sometimes can't be stuffed. If I can't be stuffed I'll be putting wax/glue side down.
Don't want no flying razor blades. Dangerous enough as it is![]()
My simple solution is to use the blade I'm replacing the new one with to scrape off the glue spots from the fresh one prior to sticking it in the razor. Just don't be stupid and do this in your th enew blade flat on the countertop, and do one spot at a time. No glue!
Astra's are the only blade I use now. I got over the whole glue thing after about a week. I really don't even think about it anymore. Great blades though.
+1 to the 'use the old blade as a putty knife' technique.
I've wondered about the same thing myself. even if they dont affect performance at all, it seems like a waste of glue (and therefore money). the blades are already in the plastic package, and then wrapped in paper. what exactly is the glue supposed to do?
Bah, a bit of glue... Sure, the blade get stuck on the plate or the head sometimes but usually, no drama, I pull on it and it's all good. One thing is for sure, that blade is secure in the packaging!!
Give me a few minutes (hours?) and I'll find a vintage Gillette ad about that.It's so that the edge doesn't slide against the folded over paper surrounding it,