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Love astras but hate the glue?

Ditto, but I really don't find the glue to be a pain in the glue-teus.

I hate that glue, especfially on the yellow Gillettes. It makes the blade stick to my TTO razors pretty fiercely. Using the old blade to scrape off the glue is a good idea in theory, but the blasdes are so flexible, I still feel like I will cut myself, even with the new lade flat on the countertop. I like the idea of a SE for that putpose, a la kingfisher, although I don't see why it should be necessary at all -- the glue seems to serve absolutely no purpose!


Had an Astra in my #21. Didn't worry about the wax/glue. Put with the wax/glue side up.

Opened up the #21 today to clean, some resistance to opening then ......TWANG !!!!!!

Out flys the blade :eek:

Lands ( luckily ) on the sink in front of me.

Sometimes I scrape the wax/glue off the shaving edge and sometimes can't be stuffed. If I can't be stuffed I'll be putting wax/glue side down.

Don't want no flying razor blades. Dangerous enough as it is :bored:

Had an Astra in my #21. Didn't worry about the wax/glue. Put with the wax/glue side up.

Opened up the #21 today to clean, some resistance to opening then ......TWANG !!!!!!

Out flys the blade :eek:

Lands ( luckily ) on the sink in front of me.

Sometimes I scrape the wax/glue off the shaving edge and sometimes can't be stuffed. If I can't be stuffed I'll be putting wax/glue side down.

Don't want no flying razor blades. Dangerous enough as it is :bored:

I don't use TTOs, but nevertheless, I find that placing the glue side down is easier to deal with.
My simple solution is to use the blade I'm replacing the new one with to scrape off the glue spots from the fresh one prior to sticking it in the razor. Just don't be stupid and do this in your hand...place th enew blade flat on the countertop, and do one spot at a time. No glue!

I use the cork from a bottle of Johnnie Green, the same one that I keep handy when I feel like corking a DE blade. Just rub it over the wax, and its gone.

Normally, I don't bother, unless the wax is covering one of the actual cutting edges.
Astra's are the only blade I use now. I got over the whole glue thing after about a week. I really don't even think about it anymore. Great blades though.

Same here. In my Slim, I make sure to put the glue side down, so it won't stick to the doors. Never had a problem.

Maybe someone at the factory has a cousin in the glue business :biggrin:
+1 to the 'use the old blade as a putty knife' technique.

I had noticed the glue on there and thought what the hell is it for? but now after hearing blades going ping i will def use glue side down
+1 to the 'use the old blade as a putty knife' technique.

If it bothered me, I would do it like that, but it doesn't. I did have one in a TTO pop up as I unscrewed it (glue side up), but now I unscrew slowly and aim away from face. As a habit, I usually put blades with numbered corners 1-2-3-4 with the 1-2 side "up." That seems to put the glue side up more often than not.

asurjc - feeling daring with your thumb tonight?
I've wondered about the same thing myself. even if they dont affect performance at all, it seems like a waste of glue (and therefore money). the blades are already in the plastic package, and then wrapped in paper. what exactly is the glue supposed to do?
I am actually going off Feathers a bit because of the wax and the crappy build up on the razor head. Sure it doesn't affect the shave but it's a nuisance.

Now Kai and Personna don't have that problem....
I've wondered about the same thing myself. even if they dont affect performance at all, it seems like a waste of glue (and therefore money). the blades are already in the plastic package, and then wrapped in paper. what exactly is the glue supposed to do?

It's so that the edge doesn't slide against the folded over paper surrounding it, i use a cork on most of the blades, and sometimes for super thick glue i use the putty knfie method, i have a really dull razor blade without any label on it hanging on the other side of my cabinet, across from the little spoon for creams:cool:
Got it.
Read the italicized text in the fine print.


That makes me wonder, though, what did they do in the metal and plastic dispensers? There was no paper wrapping, which minimized handling of the blade.


Is there an internal spring that fits in the blades' slot to keep the blades aligned?
About the glue on Astras - it's not half as bad as the glue spots on Gillette Silver Blues. Those go right to the edge.
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