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Lost my best friend yesterday.

My condolences.

Lost mine in Oct30 '09. Best friend for 14 yrs. Always smiling, always there. The atmosphere didn't feel right for a couple months, I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry.

Truly man's best friend.
Yeah, I hear you and I know what you mean. I've lost a lot of people over the years, some to natural causes and some not, but the dog I had for 14 years really took a piece of life away from me that is quite unlike any other feeling of loss I have experienced. Some things you don't get over, you just carry them with you to the end of the journey. Nothing anyone says can make it any better but we have to try. Good luck to you, hope your good days outweigh the bad.
Thanks so much for letting us know of your loss. Those who don't share their lives with a four-footed friend can't begin to understand the close bond between animal and human. In fact, Temple Grandin has written a book entitled: Animals Make Us Human in which she details the nature of the relationship.
You and Sam were lucky to have one another for so many years. How wonderful for both of you.
billc508 said it true, "Some things you don't get over, you just carry them with you to the end of the journey"
I know your pain Jim B, remember the good times
can't type anymore got to dry my eyes and hug my pets
Take care.

Got two dogs I love myself and I know that day is coming for them in the future.

My thoughts go out to you my friend...Sam's life was blessed because he got to spend it with you.
I am sorry for your loss. I have a St. Bernard named "Bear" that we picked up from a St. Bernard rescue. He is getting up there in age, but still getting around well. I dread the day.
Thanks so much for letting us know of your loss. Those who don't share their lives with a four-footed friend can't begin to understand the close bond between animal and human. In fact, Temple Grandin has written a book entitled: Animals Make Us Human in which she details the nature of the relationship.
You and Sam were lucky to have one another for so many years. How wonderful for both of you.

+1 Sharing life with an animal humbles and enriches us beyond words.
Sorry to hear this, there is nothing to replace a friend like that. The only time that I ever saw my dad cry was when he lost his friend of almost 15 years to cancer as well. The fact that he was happy should bring you joy in knowing that it was because you were his as well.


Wanting for wisdom
I lost my best friend yesterday. Sam, my golden retriever, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer last month and he passed away yesterday.

I adopted Sam eight years ago from a rescue group that was reluctant to give him to me because he had "problems bonding with men." Sam had been returned to the shelter twice because he didn't want anything to do with with the male owner. Well, Sam came over to me at the meeting site, licked my hand, and we were best friends from then on. He followed me everywhere. He wanted to be with me no matter where I was.

Sam was a happy dog. He always had a smile on this face except when he was sleeping. He was super obedient. He didn't need to be a on a leash on walks because he was never more than a few steps away. He was always the first of my dogs to come home when called. He was always the first to greet me at the door.

My world will never be quite as bright as it was when Sam was a part of it.

I feel your pain. The passing of a dear pet is something we all dread and for many of us our first experience of mortality. It is a bugger of a thing, ain't no two ways about it.


Use the Fat, Luke!
My condolences. Dogs are the people we wish we could be. My dog is getting pretty old too and it's gonna be hard...
Seldom is a loss so profound as when we lose our best canine friends. Those who don't understand won't, but we who do stand with you in quiet mourn. Our loyal and ever beloved friends give us so much and ask for so little. Here's to Sam. My condolences.
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