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Looking for opinions on the shapton Rockstar vs Pro

Hello all,

Looking at getting a couple of synthetic stones and not sure what route I want to go. Current set of synthetic stones I have are shapton glass 2k, 6k (HC/grey version), 10k, and a shapton pro 8k. Also have a chosera 1k I use for knives and the occasional razor.

I really enjoy all of the stones except for the shapton glass 6k. Normal progression when synthetics are out is 2k, 6k then a jump to my naturals. Nothing wrong the 6k, but don't love it when getting in that midrange work before naturals.

Thinking of getting the shapton pro 1.5k and 5k as a new progression before naturals. My other line of thought is the rockstar 3k or 4k as either an extra step before the 6k or a way to just avoid the 6k in general before naturals.

Getting the results I like with what I have, although a gift card I need to use has put me on this dilemma 😅.
So far I haven’t been able to move away from the Shapton Pro 2K and 5K with the occasional use of the 1.5K & what’s left of my broken 8K Pro…

I will soak any of these stones for 5-7 minutes before use though.


Ask me about shaving naked!
I used a Shapton Pro 2k and 5k for years, and like them very much, especially the 5k. I’d jump to JNats after the 5k.

Currently I’m using a Glass Stone 2k (bevel setter), Glass Stone HR/Rockstar 4k followed by a Kouseki 10k, then to naturals. The Rockstars are basically double thick Glass stone HR without the glass. They’re a good bargain. Rockstar/Glass HR is faster than the Pros and seem to have better graded grit (fewer deep scratches).
I have glass stone 1k, 3k, 6k (HR and HC), 10k and did something fairly similar recently, picking up the Pro 1.5 and 5 and the Naniwa Hayate 2k.

I much prefer the Pro 1.5 to the HR 1 as a bevel setter. It is much harder, and has a crispy feedback that is easier to read.

The Pro 5k has a similar general feel to the 6HC but it's a bit different, the 6k HC feels like sticky clay while the Pro 5k sort of feels like stropping on a high draw strop then smooths out in a very satisfying way.

The 3k HR is my favourite glass stone, it's one of the harder ones and just really reliable and nice for razors.

I don't like going 1.5 to 5 without an intermediate step. It's perfectly doable, but I always add an intermediate stone as it is way easier. The HR 3k goes nicely in there, as does the Hayate 2k (which a bit finer than labelled).

You could get 3k Rockstar and 5k Pro, that would make a nice progression before jumping to naturals. I usually go from 5k to JNATs.
My preferred progression is 1.5k shapton pro, 3k HR, 6k HR, 10k rockstar.
The 3k is one of my favourite stones.
I would not like to spend too much time on the 6k due to a larger jump.
Most of the time i just use a 3k, 6k to a natural stone. Even a slate can handle this jump. My 10k is only used if I go a full synthetic progression, ending in with a 30k pro.
Hello all,

Looking at getting a couple of synthetic stones and not sure what route I want to go. Current set of synthetic stones I have are shapton glass 2k, 6k (HC/grey version), 10k, and a shapton pro 8k. Also have a chosera 1k I use for knives and the occasional razor.

I really enjoy all of the stones except for the shapton glass 6k. Normal progression when synthetics are out is 2k, 6k then a jump to my naturals. Nothing wrong the 6k, but don't love it when getting in that midrange work before naturals.

Thinking of getting the shapton pro 1.5k and 5k as a new progression before naturals. My other line of thought is the rockstar 3k or 4k as either an extra step before the 6k or a way to just avoid the 6k in general before naturals.

Getting the results I like with what I have, although a gift card I need to use has put me on this dilemma 😅.
I think with the rockstar 4k you can avoid the 6k glass entirely not to mention that for the price and performance it's really hard not to recommend anything but the rockstar series at the moment.
TBH, not really a fan of the "this vs that' thing. The tendency to turn everything into a competition obviates subtitles and nuances. Instead of 'either or' I prefer to think in terms of 'both and'.

The RS doesn't have a stone comparable to the 1.5k Pro.
The 16k RS is a reformulated 16k GS derivative and if I can get one that isn't shattered delivered to me I think I might like it.
I like the metal boxes you can get for the RS.
Other than the 1.5k thing, which is not insignificant, I don't think my shaving or honing would be impacted much going with either system. I also don't think mixing and matching here is problematic.
Have not tried all the RS though.
Rockstar has no 120x or 220x so that's something...maybe not common stones for most but I use those grits.
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