Hello all,
Looking at getting a couple of synthetic stones and not sure what route I want to go. Current set of synthetic stones I have are shapton glass 2k, 6k (HC/grey version), 10k, and a shapton pro 8k. Also have a chosera 1k I use for knives and the occasional razor.
I really enjoy all of the stones except for the shapton glass 6k. Normal progression when synthetics are out is 2k, 6k then a jump to my naturals. Nothing wrong the 6k, but don't love it when getting in that midrange work before naturals.
Thinking of getting the shapton pro 1.5k and 5k as a new progression before naturals. My other line of thought is the rockstar 3k or 4k as either an extra step before the 6k or a way to just avoid the 6k in general before naturals.
Getting the results I like with what I have, although a gift card I need to use has put me on this dilemma
Looking at getting a couple of synthetic stones and not sure what route I want to go. Current set of synthetic stones I have are shapton glass 2k, 6k (HC/grey version), 10k, and a shapton pro 8k. Also have a chosera 1k I use for knives and the occasional razor.
I really enjoy all of the stones except for the shapton glass 6k. Normal progression when synthetics are out is 2k, 6k then a jump to my naturals. Nothing wrong the 6k, but don't love it when getting in that midrange work before naturals.
Thinking of getting the shapton pro 1.5k and 5k as a new progression before naturals. My other line of thought is the rockstar 3k or 4k as either an extra step before the 6k or a way to just avoid the 6k in general before naturals.
Getting the results I like with what I have, although a gift card I need to use has put me on this dilemma