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Looking for my first almond soap

After buying my grandfather a TOBS almond cream for Christmas I really like the scent. I'd like to have it in a soap though. I was thinking of buying the D.R. Harris almond soap in a mahogany bowl $30 as I like their Arlington. Or, I thought of getting a Col Conk almond puck and a new mug. They would probably end up costing the same, I have my eye on one of the vintage Old Spice mugs for about $20 and the big soap for about $5.

Somehow I've ended up with two pucks of Col. Conk almond. PM me a mailing address and I will send one or two to you.
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I used Cella this morning and you would be hard pressed to beat the performance, the scent isn't the best almond I have smelled but that is secondary.
I recently was at a local store that supposedly carried Cella, which I was really hoping to try out. No Cella could be found, but they did have Volabra soft soap. Picked up some of that, and quickly found that I like it a LOT! Definitely worth checking out.
Somehow I've ended up with two pucks of Col. Conk almond. PM me a mailing address and I will send one or two to you.
I appreciate the offer, but at the moment I don't have any more room in the shaving cabinet. Just bought some new razors.
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