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Looking for a one ounce razor with a 0.6mm gap for my Brother

Hi there - I've been shaving with allsorts of things for over 45 years - luckily my face can take the rough with the smooth.

However I'm looking for a mild but efficient razor with a small gap, closed comb with mild wavy crenelations / mild wavy edge for my Brother to get him off cartridges.

Basically I'm looking for a mild but efficient aluminium razor with a medium to wide optimum operating angle range.

What I like to call an autopilot razor that doesn't take too much consideration or time - one that's as easy to use as a cartridge but comfier and more efficient - but the crucial thing is it has to be very light - under 40 grams if possible - I'm probably asking too much guys - sorry !

I've thought of an Aluminium Tech travel but I think it's too aggressive for him or a Henson AL13 but it's optimum shaving angle range is too narrow - maximum weight - 40-50 grams.

Reggies Razors - Jupiter Aluminium.jpg

Just seen the English Reggie's Jupiter Aluminium Safety Razor for about a £100 quid - erm dunno if it's mild enough for him, the geometry looks fine to me; probably the best one I've found yet !

Oh dear - just noticed the corners are not rounded off - that's not a Goldilocks one - what a shame.

I could file or grind the corners but that'd butcher it - damn !

Just seen a cheapie Aluminium one on Aliexpress with a 0.95mm gap with a 0.05mm exposure - that might be okay - I don't know.

Should I be looking at 0.8mm-1.1mm gaps but with a tiny 0.05mm blade exposure for example ?

Or should I just send him an Aluminium Tech and see how he goes on with it ? - I don't know what to do for the best - my Brother doesn't communicate enough HaHa !

It looks like it has to be hard Plastic (bakelite is too heavy) or Aluminium only - I don't mind if it's very expensive as long as he likes it.

New if possible but will consider mint unused or new old stock vintage razors - 1950's - 1980's ? no idea.

I know about head geometry but don't know the makes or models to look for.

Any help is gratefully appreciated - Thanks all in advance for your consideration.





Basically I'm looking for a head like this but a third or less than half the weight max - this head looks perfect but it's too heavy - the whole razor weighs 95 grams - 3 ounces approx - I want one with similar geometry, enclosed tabs but a third of the weight - the blade gap looks narrow - I'm guessing 0.4mm - 0.6mm
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I was thinking of a mint Shick Krona with the all plastic handle - good weight at 38 grams but I think it'd be too aggressive for him - he'd have to concentrate on the shave and be deliberate and he doesn't have the time or inclination - he needs a lightweight autopilot razor.
ALSHABAB Double Edge Safety Razor.jpg

I've ordered him this lightweight - 20 gram cheapie Chinese one but I don't know if he'll like it.
If the gap is too much I'll grind and sand the top plate and baseplate down to narrow it; make it as mild as possible.
I'll have to send him five or six different ones and let him choose his favourite.

Couldn't tell you about gaps, but they look lightweight to me.
Rockwell 6C with a 4 plate has a 0.61 gap
Thanks for the suggestion sternej - is the Rockwell 6C lightweight or is it 2.5-3 ounces ?

Wow it's four ounces - that's a house-brick to him lol - I got him a Merkur Futur clone and that was much too heavy for him at 3 ounces.
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Couldn't tell you about gaps, but they look lightweight to me.
Thanks a million for the suggestion AshleyC - I could use a slant but my Brother will chop his face to pieces with one - it takes technique patience and time - which he hasn't got and is not used to unfortunately.

The handle looks lovely and light though - put another head on it - viola !

I could buy it and show him how to use it - do him a video - but I don't know if he'll go with it. I'm stuck what to do AshleyC.

He came 600 miles yesterday to see me but we only had 3 hours together for lunch - not long enough for shaving tutorials unfortunately - such is life !

He doesn't get any more time off work for another 3-4 months - I'll have to go see him on his days off; get the tram then the plane and then the ferry then the taxi - haha - legs !

He's on a little island on the South Coast of England called the Isle of Wight - I'm 300 miles away in NW England called Manchester - no direct flights only to Southampton - then I need a boat to get to him lol.
My Razorock Lupo Aluminum weighs 31 grams, has a scalloped leading edge on the baseplate, and I measured the blade gap at 0.58 mm. Nicely anodized, and the tolerances are quite tight.

It's a mild-to-medium razor, IMHO a bit milder than a DE89. It's not likely to cut skin (even a fresh Feather blade is OK).

It has the advantage of relatively low cost, for a fully-machined razor.

. Charles
My Razorock Lupo Aluminum weighs 31 grams, has a scalloped leading edge on the baseplate, and I measured the blade gap at 0.58 mm. Nicely anodized, and the tolerances are quite tight.

It's a mild-to-medium razor, IMHO a bit milder than a DE89. It's not likely to cut skin (even a fresh Feather blade is OK).

It has the advantage of relatively low cost, for a fully-machined razor.

. Charles
Thanks for the reply Charles I didn't consider the Lupo because it's medium aggressive - I need mild unfortunately.
I could have given him a Tech, or a Shick Krona but they're both medium aggressive razors.
I need an autopilot lightweight mild razor with wiggle room - not easy to find.
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Ditto, ditto
I may have overlooked price, so, forgive me.

Blackbird Titanium Lite (54 g), Carbon Cx-Ti/Web (49 g), or Tatara Masamune Titanium (51 g). Of these, in my experience, the .71 Carbon is the most efficient (similar to a Flat Bottom Tech) and the Masamune is the mildest.
My Razorock Lupo Aluminum weighs 31 grams, has a scalloped leading edge on the baseplate, and I measured the blade gap at 0.58 mm. Nicely anodized, and the tolerances are quite tight.

It's a mild-to-medium razor, IMHO a bit milder than a DE89. It's not likely to cut skin (even a fresh Feather blade is OK).

It has the advantage of relatively low cost, for a fully-machined razor.

. Charles
Sod it Charles - I'll get him the Razorock Lupo Aluminium - he can learn to use it ; if not I'll have it and send him an Aluminium Tech travel or a Schick Krona - there - job's a good 'un.

Thanks for the recommendation Charles - All the Best to you
What about the Razorock Baby smooth aluminum razor. I had a chance to test one out last year and it is definitely milder then the aluminum Lupo.
They list the weight at 31 grams.

Thanks for the recommendation Jaysun74 - I'll get him a Lupo Ali and if he doesn't like it - tough - I'll send him a vintage Tech or Krona and I'll have it - Job's a good 'un.
I may have overlooked price, so, forgive me.

Blackbird Titanium Lite (54 g), Carbon Cx-Ti/Web (49 g), or Tatara Masamune Titanium (51 g). Of these, in my experience, the .71 Carbon is the most efficient (similar to a Flat Bottom Tech) and the Masamune is the mildest.
Thanks for the recommendation WThomas0814 - I'll get him a Lupo Ali and if he doesn't like it - tough - I'll send him a vintage Tech or Krona and I'll have it - Job's a good 'un.


I shaved a fortune
I have to agree that the PAA Filament is an easy razor to use... Even though it's open comb.... You don't even feel the teeth. It's gentle... so gentle, my wife "borrowed" my first one and uses it for her legs, etc... It's ultra lightweight.... It's inexpensive, so there is that as well....
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