Hi there - I've been shaving with allsorts of things for over 45 years - luckily my face can take the rough with the smooth.
However I'm looking for a mild but efficient razor with a small gap, closed comb with mild wavy crenelations / mild wavy edge for my Brother to get him off cartridges.
Basically I'm looking for a mild but efficient aluminium razor with a medium to wide optimum operating angle range.
What I like to call an autopilot razor that doesn't take too much consideration or time - one that's as easy to use as a cartridge but comfier and more efficient - but the crucial thing is it has to be very light - under 40 grams if possible - I'm probably asking too much guys - sorry !
I've thought of an Aluminium Tech travel but I think it's too aggressive for him or a Henson AL13 but it's optimum shaving angle range is too narrow - maximum weight - 40-50 grams.
Just seen the English Reggie's Jupiter Aluminium Safety Razor for about a £100 quid - erm dunno if it's mild enough for him, the geometry looks fine to me; probably the best one I've found yet !
Oh dear - just noticed the corners are not rounded off - that's not a Goldilocks one - what a shame.
I could file or grind the corners but that'd butcher it - damn !
Just seen a cheapie Aluminium one on Aliexpress with a 0.95mm gap with a 0.05mm exposure - that might be okay - I don't know.
Should I be looking at 0.8mm-1.1mm gaps but with a tiny 0.05mm blade exposure for example ?
Or should I just send him an Aluminium Tech and see how he goes on with it ? - I don't know what to do for the best - my Brother doesn't communicate enough HaHa !
It looks like it has to be hard Plastic (bakelite is too heavy) or Aluminium only - I don't mind if it's very expensive as long as he likes it.
New if possible but will consider mint unused or new old stock vintage razors - 1950's - 1980's ? no idea.
I know about head geometry but don't know the makes or models to look for.
Any help is gratefully appreciated - Thanks all in advance for your consideration.
Basically I'm looking for a head like this but a third or less than half the weight max - this head looks perfect but it's too heavy - the whole razor weighs 95 grams - 3 ounces approx - I want one with similar geometry, enclosed tabs but a third of the weight - the blade gap looks narrow - I'm guessing 0.4mm - 0.6mm
However I'm looking for a mild but efficient razor with a small gap, closed comb with mild wavy crenelations / mild wavy edge for my Brother to get him off cartridges.
Basically I'm looking for a mild but efficient aluminium razor with a medium to wide optimum operating angle range.
What I like to call an autopilot razor that doesn't take too much consideration or time - one that's as easy to use as a cartridge but comfier and more efficient - but the crucial thing is it has to be very light - under 40 grams if possible - I'm probably asking too much guys - sorry !
I've thought of an Aluminium Tech travel but I think it's too aggressive for him or a Henson AL13 but it's optimum shaving angle range is too narrow - maximum weight - 40-50 grams.
Just seen the English Reggie's Jupiter Aluminium Safety Razor for about a £100 quid - erm dunno if it's mild enough for him, the geometry looks fine to me; probably the best one I've found yet !
Oh dear - just noticed the corners are not rounded off - that's not a Goldilocks one - what a shame.
I could file or grind the corners but that'd butcher it - damn !
Just seen a cheapie Aluminium one on Aliexpress with a 0.95mm gap with a 0.05mm exposure - that might be okay - I don't know.
Should I be looking at 0.8mm-1.1mm gaps but with a tiny 0.05mm blade exposure for example ?
Or should I just send him an Aluminium Tech and see how he goes on with it ? - I don't know what to do for the best - my Brother doesn't communicate enough HaHa !
It looks like it has to be hard Plastic (bakelite is too heavy) or Aluminium only - I don't mind if it's very expensive as long as he likes it.
New if possible but will consider mint unused or new old stock vintage razors - 1950's - 1980's ? no idea.
I know about head geometry but don't know the makes or models to look for.
Any help is gratefully appreciated - Thanks all in advance for your consideration.
Basically I'm looking for a head like this but a third or less than half the weight max - this head looks perfect but it's too heavy - the whole razor weighs 95 grams - 3 ounces approx - I want one with similar geometry, enclosed tabs but a third of the weight - the blade gap looks narrow - I'm guessing 0.4mm - 0.6mm
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