I'm a little worried about the unpolished grooved file work scratching up my strop also. Just seems uneven.
Anyone run in to that?
Yeah, someone scratched up his Kanayama strop with a Livi. He was none too happy.
Yeah, that was me (Livi New Grind & Strop Damage), and I've got a few things to say.
Here is the razor in question:
and here is the infamous spine work:
and here is the "damage" that was caused:
(I know it's not a lot, but this was the result of a single stropping session.
I was kind of freaking out because I was thinking of what months of daily stropping would do to the leather surface if this was accomplished in just a few laps.)
So I went and posted the above thread, and someone suggested a way to fix it:
And you know what? It worked! Just a bit of elbow grease, and the razor no longer made any markings on my strop.
However, to this day I still think that it's bull**** that this entire issue could have been solved before the razor was ever shipped out by spending two minutes on a polishing/buffing wheel. I know that these aren't full Livi customs, but for $300 I would think that someone could give the razors at least a cursory inspection for rough spine work or other small defects.