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Least aggressive DE razors?

I've been using a Star DE (guessing from the 1950s) for the last couple of weeks and it is very mild and a fine shaver. It looks like a Tech-style stamped head (not as well finished as a Tech) and has a heavy, well-knurled handle.

Having never actively looked for one, I do not know what they typically go for, but I would bet it would not be much. Recommended.
Feather AS-D, Krona, Super Speeds, Techs, Super Adjustable set on 1 or 2 (for me anyway). 1904 is a good, very mild open comb. The Webers are supposed to be mild, but I love them and consider them efficient, a little milder than the EJ89. One that I want to try is the Goodfella as it is supposed to be very mild.
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I love mild razors, and I echo what has been said here. To me, the Tech is the ultimate mild razor; if your blade angle is off at all, it doesn't cut. In fact, it does nothing. And Techs give great shaves once you learn how to use them. My favorite combination is a mild Tech combined with a sharp blade, like a Feather or an Astra SP.

I have a bunch of Techs and blue tip Superspeeds, and that's what I'd recommend. The DE 89 is perhaps a bit less mild, but still far from aggressive. The Feather Popular is another good choice.

+1 The Tech is the way to go... cheap, easily obtained (on the 'bay or here), and easy to use. Works with any blade but a sharp blade is nice if you aren't completely new.

If you don't want a vintage DE (no reason for that but some don't like used razors), then go to Sallys and get a Shaving Factory DE. Cheaper, still works fine, about like a Tech in mildness... sorta...
Goodfella razors are the mildest I have ever used. Have to make about 5-6 passes to get anything close to a decent shave. Sure is an attractive razor though
Until last week I'd have said that my 1956 Gillette Tech was the mildest razor I had, which just edged out the Lord L5 Tech head type razor, and with honorable mentions to the Wilkinson Sword Classic (black plastic one) and the Gillette Super Adjustable on setting 1. Razors like the Lord L6 and Merkur 33C were more aggressive than these. While the cheap Weishi 2003M is ultra aggressive.

But last week I got a Weber DLC razor, and this current batch - unlike others described here from previous production - is the mildest of razors I've come across. It is so mild that it wouldn't cut whiskers properly when I used a Gillette Super Thin blade and my most slippery cream, Trumpers. But using it with the supposedly unforgiving and super sharp Feather blade, and my worst performing shave cream with other razors (Arko Regular) it gave me a great close shave. I can't imagine anything performing more mildly than this.
Speaking of the Goodfella, Henry Hill died yesterday. I wonder if someone could make a DE razor out of his rock-hard heart?:lol:

That's sad. He seemed like a relatively nice chap in one of the documentaries about him, where he was being interviewed - he seemed more genuine than in the movie.
The Merkur Open Comb Travel Razor.

I bought one thinking it would be a nifty travel razor and since I was using a 37c Slant at the time for home use I figured the open comb on the travel razor would allow for more aggressiveness.

It was actually frustratingly mild. I had it with me for a full week without an alternative. Unusable. Couldn't get my stubble satisfactorily. Sold it.

The next mildest razor I used was the SuperSpeed Red Tip. I don't think I like mild razors. I use an 2011 R41 now exclusively.
1940's vintage Grand Shave King. I can hack away at any angle or pressure and never get nicked, cut or any irritation.
I had a '50s Super Speed that I thought was milder than my Edwin Jagger DE89. It's probably the most mild DE razor I've used.
Techs and Superspeeds. I have a Merkur 23C which I consider medium and a Parker 91R which is pretty darned agressive. Of all that I've tried the 23C is my top performer. Had a Parker 99R that I PIF'd because it was frustratingly mild. A beauty of a razor, just too too mild.
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