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Oh My God...... :scared:

I have to go see the vet... I am going to strangle the cleaning lady.....!

How many kittens do cats normally have? :crying:

Um... I think I am having kittens tonight.... :redface: She is crying and miserable (and huge) and I have broken out in a cold sweat. I am pretty sure that cold sweat is a sure sign... I have a box next to the bed with clothes that smell like me. Other than this... I am so screwed here....... :eek:
Cold sweat and now I am pacing the floors... :w00t:

The internet said she might cry and would start grooming like crazy. She is actually staying in the box with my old clothes and grooming like crazy.. and meaowing at me. I haven't had a cold sweat like this in years.. I am also quite frozen between pacing bouts.... Is this what men go through when they have children? She is panting and yowling and I am going to have a nervous breakdown I think.... ;-) They say cats know what to do... but I don't know what to do. I need a drink.
Good luck and keep us posted. :smile:

When I was a kid our cat had kittens one time, she was quite fat anyway and we didn't even know she was expecting as she looked and acted completely normal. We were away on holiday when she had them (under my bed :biggrin: ), we had a shocked phonecall from the people looking after the house when they saw her walk across the living room carrying a tiny kitten in her mouth. :eek: :smile:

They started searching and found 3 more, which our cat moved one by one to inside a warm dark wardrobe at the other end of the house. It became their home for the next few weeks after we cleared the shoes out and loaded it with old soft blankets :smile:
Well, I think it is safe to say that we are having kittens tonight. It is pretty amazing. Her contractions are coming pretty regular and she cries for me if I am not with her when she is doing this. I have no idea what is going to happen tonight. Will she be alright, will the kittens be alright. Will she or the dog eat the babies or will they grow up to torture me. My stress levels are through the roof and I am sweating.. where IS my alum block. I am scared but there is a certain wonder at the same time. As an adult I have never gone through something like this. I need to go see her.... wish us luck.

Edit... I am scared.....lol I am watching her go through this and I feel helpless. I am having hot sweats and cold sweats at the same time......lol I don't think I will be shipping tomorrow.
Breathe, MB...
Breathe !

Everything will be just fine.:smile:
Fine and wonderful....fine and wonderful.
Happy Birthday to your new kitties !!

Gads! Hang in there! It's good to know that, with the recent loss of our kitty Sundae, you are helping your kitty bring more kitties into the world... even if only through moral support. :biggrin:
I am totally losing it. We have one itty bitty solid black squeeler. I went to sleep about an hour ago and he woke me up. One squeel and I was up like a shot from a cannon. But there is some blood and no others yet. I am not sure if I should let nature take it's course here, or run to the nearest ER screaming at the top of my lungs... I am literally shaking. I just know something aweful is going to happen...

I am going to go put on a pot of Rod's Kona coffee... I am so terrified it is sick......
At least you know 'who' one of the fathers is.....

Relax (however, with coffee this may not be possible :wink: ), although this is her first time, your cat is instinctively wise- she will know what to do and how to do it- she's probably gathering her strength to be able to push out the next one.


She is just kind of laying there and breathing really, really fast with her arms around the one little one.. I don't know if I like the way this is going... if nothing else happens shortly, I am going to scream. I can barely hold my coffee cup I am shaking so hard...

I knew it was that black stray...! Oh God the baby is so cute......

I suck at this.
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