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Kahr, Bad thing it sounds like a Lunchmeat

I love the Kahr K40. It's small enough for easy CCW in any weather, has the .40 cal power and the full stainless makes it a breeze to shoot. The one I shot was reliable with everything I fed it. They make the same pistol in 9mm if you prefer. As an alternative I'd look for a smaller Sig, they tend to be more expensive but great guns.
You said you cant afford the Kimber so I wont recommend the awesome 16 oz Sig P938 (around$800). If you dont like the Kel Tec PF9 or the LC9 and you cant get ahold of the shield the Kahr Cm9 is really one of your only options. I handled the gun and like it. It got good reviews and Im considering it for myself. Sidenote...it kinda bothers me that Kahr is owned by what some say is a crazy South Korean cult. Decide for yourself. Also Springfield is coming out with a single stack 9mm this year but release date has not been set yet.


I cant say anything as to his beliefs, but I've met the owner and he was extremely nice man and very knowledgeable about the products that his company produced from the Kahr lineup to the Desert eagle line.
I had a CW-40 that I put a few thousand rounds threw with no problems, always shot low and to the left by 3" or so. I couldn't get used to the long heavy trigger. Sold it and picked up a Springfield XD subcompact 9mm and can hit dead nuts with it.

Yes, the Beretta fit into the group just fine. Carries like a dream, very nice fit and finish; it's only gonna get better with time.
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