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JoWolf’s Lather Slide

It's a shame it looks as though the rogue boar probably isn't going to come together, but kudos to you for sticking with it. Who knows, perhaps eventually some magic will happen and it will start to develop a bit of splay and flexibility!
I always wondered on the comments of bleached versus non bleached boar knots. The non bleached knots that I’ve read about still must have had some treatment done to them. There is virtually no flex or softness after a few months pounding on this boar knot. I’m giving it till the end of the month James. I’m still glad for the experience and find it very interesting. I certainly know that the Gorilla epoxy that I used for setting the knot is bulletproof. However it will not be used after March.
This brush has had quite the journey, glad to finally see the first shave! I know you won’t let that brush beat you, excited to see where the brush takes you.
This brush has had quite the journey, glad to finally see the first shave! I know you won’t let that brush beat you, excited to see where the brush takes you.
This is an unruly rogue boar Zach. It’ll be at the back of the shelf collecting dust after FFFMM. I’ve definitely found my match. An interesting experience nonetheless. A challenge in lathering without damaging my skin.


Is it swell time?
I certainly know that the Gorilla epoxy that I used for setting the knot is bulletproof. However it will not be used after March.
Just to rule out the obvious - the knot is set with the glue base at equal level to the handle opening? Or set lower? Lower settings would at least increase stiffness - usually. And if the mix is in favour of badger hairs - say 40/60 - then the breaking in might be hampered due to the ratio of hairs to split versus hairs that don’t. If that were the case I would assume the regular boar break in period needs to be extended.

Just to rule out the obvious - the knot is set with the glue base at equal level to the handle opening?
I’ve only used a spacer in one knot that I had set Guido. All the other knots I’ve set the knot plug is set into the the handle with a thin layer of epoxy. This is a short knot which does make the stiffness all that more apparent
Or set lower? Lower settings would at least increase stiffness - usually. And if the mix is in favour of badger hairs - say 40/60 - then the breaking in might be hampered due to the ratio of hairs to split versus hairs that don’t.
Any of the few hairs that have split the tips soon snap off. This is just an extremely stiff unforgiving hair, that will not flex or soften. I’ve broken in around ten boars a horse and a few two band badgers that needed extra attention. Always successful with every knot. It ain’t me Guido. It’s the knot.
If that were the case I would assume the regular boar break in period needs to be extended.
This hard nut has had triple pounding over any other knot I’ve broken in. I believe that if I continued ad infinity with this brute the tips would continue to snap off until I’d be left with a stub. I’ve never come across a similar thread from anyone having an unbreakable knot. If I hadn’t had a good amount of experience with breaking in knots I might think it was me. That is definitely not the case though. AliExpress shouldn’t really be selling an unusable knot like this. I plan on inquiring with them probably next month and see what their response is. They are difficult to communicate with because there always seems to be misunderstanding with the translation. We’ll see they do try to keep their customers satisfied which has been my previous experience.
Well Guido I’ve been interested in this knot from the get-go. I will give it a supreme effort this month. When I contact AliExpress next month I’ll have a strong case to present to them. I know your comments were not directed as an experience on my part. I also know that many people reading my post have a hard time accepting the situation and results to date. I must confess I would as well having used more than a dozen boars. It definitely is a one-off at least I hope so. I think it is unethical for AliExpress to market an unusable knot.
I hope I never implied it was you. It was more me trying to figure out the what and how. Sounds more like move-on-and-let-g
Apshaveco has mixed knots as well by the way. They might be easy to source for you as well given you are both in Canada.

For after you deal with the AE people maybe.

Following with interest!
I still have another boar knot that I also set in an acrylic handle. I’ll break it in next month. That’s it on brushes for me. Once it’s broken in I’ll choose three out of that four and they will rotate. As a weekly shaver three seems to suit my desires best. I’m hoping the new one will appeal to me more than my Chubby which I consider to be on the bubble. Plenty to keep me occupied and interested.
In the end you gotta take care of your skin first. At least you have a great story, I’ll miss seeing the scary boar picture in your journal!
Yes Zach this knot certainly sets up some challenges in lathering. I don’t like using extra time in handling the situation. I do find the challenge of using a non compliant element in the kit interesting. It also has me exploring lathering in an area I’ve never been in. My shaves in efficiency or skin comfort have not suffered or taken a hit. The luxury of an excellent lathering experience is what I’ve lost in the shave. To me the challenge is all about working around a problem and still having a great shave. It’ll only be for a month but valuable experience.


Is it swell time?
My transition from the OC 95 too the OC 127 was mostly seem-less.
All this brush talking is clouding your recent change in razors (again! :001_smile). Interesting progression to what I would call more aggressive/effective razors. Quite the step up from the Grande I imagine.

I have contemplated getting a Lupo often, but never got past the thought and never pulled the trigger. I am happy with the Game Changer and am curious about the 1.05 baseplate. I did get two bigger gapped razors with 1.50 and 1.55 blade gap with some positive exposure. They are excellent shavers with smoothness and close results.

Enjoy your new consistency John!!
All this brush talking is clouding your recent change in razors (again! :001_smile). Interesting progression to what I would call more aggressive/effective razors. Quite the step up from the Grande I imagine.

I have contemplated getting a Lupo often, but never got past the thought and never pulled the trigger. I am happy with the Game Changer and am curious about the 1.05 baseplate. I did get two bigger gapped razors with 1.50 and 1.55 blade gap with some positive exposure. They are excellent shavers with smoothness and close results.

Enjoy your new consistency John!!
The OC 127 is definitely a very radical jump from the Grande. Not as much from the OC 95. Each step up brought a noticeable improvement in efficiency. I am glad that I spent three years with the Grande. Learning my shave map. Perfecting my pre and post shave routines. That experience honed my technique and skill to take advantage of the higher efficiencies that the Lupo delivers. Each step up also required a lighter touch. I am amazed at the differences in efficiency. The 127 has eliminated quite a few shave strokes and minimized almost all follow up buffing. Guido I didn’t think there would be a very noticeable transition in efficiency but there was with each step up. I also experienced quicker shaves because of fewer strokes and follow up buffing.

Although I’m still making small adjustments with the OC 127. The tough new boar brush has increased my shave time dramatically. Not an issue or complaint. A disappointment that I’ll have to give up the luxurious lathering I’ve become accustomed to, for the next month. A new opportunity to explore the limits of the SV Felce Aromatica. The difference in lathering is now at the Other Extreme End to what I’m used to. A large challenge in maintaining the rest of the shave to a high comfort and efficiency. When I’ve commented on consistency. Each element of the kit includes its own parameters of consistency. So completely losing one of the four is what sets up the challenge to maintain a great shave. I love the distraction and challenge. I dislike the added time to my shaves, and loss of luxurious lathering. The overall benefit keeps all elements of the kit well tuned up in consistency. It gives me the opportunity to explore A Nasty Knot and the limits of a great soap. I like to approach my shaves as a study in maintaining a high level of consistency in each element of the kit. With an ongoing improvement to increase overall efficiency and skin comfort. All the elements of my shave are easily manageable because it’s only one face & head shave per week. I constantly re-shave in my head between shaves. Thus feeding my ever expanding deep vortex into my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.😆
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