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Journey to find my razor preference

Date: 2024-07-13
Razor: Gillette Sheraton (1937?)
Blade: Shark - Super Chrome
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Huskey
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Aftershave: Arran Machrie
Passes: 3
Rating: 8.25
Rating is a combination of shave comfort and quality

Was a bit surprised by this shave to be honest. I was expecting more of the same but this time around it felt much more comfortable. It did struggle a little bit on the ATG pass but otherwise no complaints, well, except for the four nicks and one weeper that I got. No real skin discomfort either.
Also the quality improved as well to a very, very respectable DFS. I don't think it's a very close shave though and the stubble will probably show up sooner than normal.

Not sure why it improved so considerably, maybe it's the coating that don't agree with me. Maybe I did something different in terms of technique. It will remain a mystery for a bit but I am curious to see how this blade will behave in a different razor.
Another shaving hiatus as I've been hiking in the swedish mountains for about a week and then spent a few days letting the body recuperate from that experience.
Anyway, on to the shave of today:

Date: 2024-07-25
Razor: Gillette Sheraton (1937?)
Blade: Derby - Extra
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Huskey
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Aftershave: Arran Machrie
Passes: 3
Rating: 9.025
Rating is a combination of shave comfort and quality

With nearly two weeks worth of stubble, this shave surprised me a lot.
I was fully expecting both razor & blade to struggle mightily with dealing with that amount of stubble but it was handled very, very well. Granted it required a lot more strokes on the first pass since the razor "clogged" quickly with that amount of hair, but it still felt very comfortable shaving and that comfort remained through all three passes. I did end up with three minor nicks after the shave.
Quality-wise I would say a decent DFS. There were a couple of spots around the mouth that I did a poor job on that were more CCS or perhaps even SAS, but apart from that the quality was quite good too.
While shaving I actually thought that the Derby fit really, really well with the Sheraton. We'll see if it holds up like that.
Date: 2024-07-28
Razor: Gillette Sheraton (1937?)
Blade: Derby - Extra
Brush: DScosmetic 26mm Tuxedo
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Aftershave: Arran Machrie
Passes: 3
Rating: 9.05
Rating is a combination of shave comfort and quality

This combo felt good today as well but it was slightly less comfortable than previous shave, especially on the XTG & ATG passes, almost a little bit of tugging while shaving.
So while comfort was a tiny bit worse the quality improved a little and I got a very respectable DFS shave, but with 4 nicks.
All in all a very similar shave to the previous one which can be seen in the closeness in the rating for these two shaves.
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