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Have you ever tried homemade water keifer or Kumbacha? It's a process to undertake, but the resulting beverage is worlds better for your body than any carbonated drink, sugar-free or not. Both will carbonate a drink and are quite tasty. Although there is some sugar in these drinks, they provide a ton of beneficial probiotics in them. There are commercial versions of them too.
I have had commercial versions of both from I believe was Whole Foods last time. I have tried both a few times and didn't care for either. The keifer was more palatable of the two. I was introduced to it overseas. I may be forced to change my ways one day, but, for now I will stick with the lesser of evils.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I am curious about this potential problem with carbonated beverages, I will have to research that some, but it's supposedly more common to drink carbonated rather than still water in Europe. I drink a lot of fizzy water, but it's only been in the last few years strangely, wonder if marketing is responsible for this.
I am curious about this potential problem with carbonated beverages, I will have to research that some, but it's supposedly more common to drink carbonated rather than still water in Europe. I drink a lot of fizzy water, but it's only been in the last few years strangely, wonder if marketing is responsible for this.
I started drinking fizzy water in Europe when I lived in Germany and Italy. It was usually what was on the table. I got in the habit of it in my 13 years in Germany and it just stuck. For a while I would drink seltzer water when I could rather than spring still water here too. Then a couple of years ago there was an explosion of flavor sparkling waters. I have had most flavors from most companies you see in grocery stores or that I can order online. As I said above it really seems a missed opportunity not to offer cola flavored versions as soda drinkers seem to be the targeted market. I need to do my own research as well on the carbonation risks.

Edit Another gripe is for non fruit flavors like Tea. I think it was Bubbly had a green tea flavor that was really good. Then they stopped making it.
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I am curious about this potential problem with carbonated beverages, I will have to research that some, but it's supposedly more common to drink carbonated rather than still water in Europe. I drink a lot of fizzy water, but it's only been in the last few years strangely, wonder if marketing is responsible for this.
The main thing is for it to be sugar and sweetener-free, and it is naturally carbonated. Carbonated water is more acidic than regular water, does it matter? Will it alter the pH that much to matter? Will the lower pH eat the enamel off the teeth? Doubtful that your teeth will disappear, There is a large grey area, and as with everything, moderation is the key. If you kill off two gallons of carbonated water a day, ya might want to cut back some. Too much water intake can be bad as well.

It is odd, since I've mainly switched to water, I prefer it over anything else. I order water at a restaurant when I'm not ordering an adult libation, and I probably look like the old codger I am. I've tried the carbonated water, and it was ok, just like I've had a Coke here and there. I've gotten the urge for soft drinks long ago. But in moderation, it is likely fine, but who knows?


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Sorry for the continued derail...

Strangely, I only really drink carbonated water with meals. Strange because it does interfere some with digestion. I carry around no fewer than two full water bottles and drink steadily throughout the day, but I always start out hydrating early so I can go quite a time without water when needed. I drink a lot more water with lemon or lime added consistently. I average about a 12 pack of sparking a week. I do wonder if some of them are naturally carbonated like the one from Hot Springs, AR.

...we probably better wrap this up


Not made for these times.
...we probably better wrap this up



Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Liquid Neutrogena
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Barbasol Aloe green
Razor: Baili 179 TTO
Blade: Silver Star (2)
Number of passes: 2 (cheeks WTG and XTG; neck XTG and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: A few
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Absolutely none
Result: DFS

Really nice shave this morning. Now to watch some Olympics.


Not made for these times.
Pre-shave: Liquid Neutrogena
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Barbasol Aloe green
Razor: Baili 179 TTO
Blade: Silver Star (2)
Number of passes: 2 (cheeks WTG and XTG; neck XTG and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: A few
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Absolutely none
Result: DFS

Really nice shave this morning. Now to watch some Olympics.
I've never tried the Liquid Neutrogena as a pre-shave but I love the Neutrogena Fragrance-free Bar Soap. I alternate between it and the King C. Gillette Face Wash.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Liquid Neutrogena
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Barbasol Sensitive orange
Razor: Baili 179 TTO
Blade: Silver Star (3)
Number of passes: 2 (cheeks WTG and XTG; neck XTG and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: A few
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Absolutely none
Result: CCS+

Nice shave this morning. The Silver Star might have showed its age a bit as the shave wasn’t quite as close as yesterday’s, but still nice and drama free.
it's supposedly more common to drink carbonated rather than still water in Europe.
I think it depends on the place and circumstances. When dining I can imagine fizzy water evidences that you are not drinking tap water (which I wouldn’t recommend doing in a number of countries) or it’s just to have a break from still water. But what I see around me is largely still water bottles.

In the Netherlands where our tap water is almost the same quality as spring water. Yet the isles with water bottles has increased in size (might be a figment of my imagination).


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Liquid Neutrogena
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Barbasol Sensitive orange
Razor: Baili 179 TTO
Blade: Lord Super Chrome (1)
Number of passes: 2 (cheeks WTG and XTG; neck XTG and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: A few
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Absolutely none
Result: DFS

This was my second Lord Super Chrome blade and fourth shave overall. It really is a fine blade. It's sharper than the Silver Star, but not quite as smooth. It's still very smooth, but there's no denying the Silver Star is smoother. I had a very nice shave this morning.
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