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Japanese After Shave Compendium

A new find yesterday. Says it's to be used on the face after shaving or bathing and smells like Laurel. I guess that counts as aftershave....haven't tried it myself yet though.

I can't find the cologne nor the shave balm new anywhere in the country it would seem but I did find the sweetest lady at a SHISEIDO store in L.A. Actually gave me brand spanking new bottle of each!


And you know I hooked her up big time. I bought her favorite parfume for her as a thank you. :thumbup:
Managed to find the lucido aftershave in singapore. It can be found at the beauty/drugstore at liang court b1. Will give it a shot for my next shave. Still no luck in locating the other brands. Tried looking for the valcan but the kanebo lady said it's no longer imported:blushing:
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