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Is a modern scuttle really "worth it"

Well, since i face-lather, exclusively, i would say no, but if you like warm lather, then they are quite nice, but the good ones are large and take up space. Good luck.
Just to chime in... If you're looking to make a trip to World Market solely to pick up the gravy cup thang, give them a call first as my local World Market informed me these cups are discontinued. Luckily I had just stopped in while I was waiting for Five Guys to open, would've been pissed if I had drove from a few towns over just to find out they didn't have it. :laugh:

Thanks for the info.
I've been to 2 around town here and they didn't have 'em. The people working there didn't even know what they were so maybe they never had them in these particular stores. There are a few more in town which I'll pop into if I happen to be near one but now that I know they are discontinued, I will not be be making a special trip.
^that Dirty Bird is a beaut!

In the winter, there is nothing like warm lather.Here is my Sara Bonnyman Slate Moss scuttle:

In action:
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I have a standard size, 2 piece Dirtybird that I have used just about every day for the last seven years. To me it is a vital part of my shave routine..
Here is how I use it"
1. Fill the lower bowl with tap water, then fill the upper bowl with pure water. Since it is a 2 piece, the upper bowl may try to float until you fill it.
2. Put the filled scuttle in the microwave ( my microwave heats it perfectly in 3" 20'). Again since it is a 2piece the microwave does not damage it at all, the upper and lower bowls are free to expand or contract.
3.While the scuttle is heating, I get my coffee going and lay out my shaving gear for the day.
4. With the scuttle hot, I soak my brush while I shower..
5. When ready to shave, I lift the top bowl of the scuttle and pour most of the water out into a seperate cup. Later I will use this pure hot water to rinse my razor and brush.
6. Depending on the soap I will be using, I shake some amount of water out of my brush and load it with soap.
7. My scuttle is still nice and hot, I whip up a nice lather. The lather picks up heat while I am working it.

8. Apply the steamy hot, rich lather to my face.
9. Shave
10.After shaving I rinse my razor and brush in tap water, but hem I give them both a final rinse in the hot, pure water, then hang them to dry.
I know this sounds like a long process, but it usually takes me about 6 minutes on work mornings and maybe 15 minutes on a leisure shave.


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I like my G20 in winter. I find that if I re-load the reservoir after initially warming it while in the shower that it degrades my lather. I don't think that it's something I couldn't live without.
You used to be able to request one. The option didn't cost any more, it did take a few extra weeks if I remember.
To me a 2 piece is way more flexible.
I am thinking of ordering one for my son, he'll be needing one in a year or so.
Shocked at the amount of scuttle haters in this thread.

I do not own one yet but want one bad.

The luxury of warm lather is just the best!
In the winter, there is nothing like warm lather.

I have an allergic skin reaction to coldness. Red welts, itching, lasts about 15 minutes if my skin comes into contact with even slightly cold temps.

So in winter I use my DB scuttle.

Cost me an arm and a leg postage to Australia but works for me.


Needs milk and a bidet!
here's a question that just popped in to my head. When you are building your lather does the inner bowl spin as your circle the brush around in the bowl? Kind of hard to explain.... the friction from spinning the brush in a circle around the bowl to whip the lather....does it cause the inner bowl to spin?
I have a small Sara Bonnyman scuttle and I face lather exclusively. I soak my brush in the scuttle while I shower, then change the water and fill the outer bowl only. I keep my brush in the scuttle between passes to keep it warm, but I don't build my lather in it. It works well for me.
here's a question that just popped in to my head. When you are building your lather does the inner bowl spin as your circle the brush around in the bowl? Kind of hard to explain.... the friction from spinning the brush in a circle around the bowl to whip the lather....does it cause the inner bowl to spin?
Not if you keep your thumb on it.
Shocked at the amount of scuttle haters in this thread.

I do not own one yet but want one bad.

The luxury of warm lather is just the best!

I dont think anyone is a "hater"... Its just different opinions. frankly I am thankful for all this input. I am So close to pulling the trigger on one. But something is making me question the purchase. So this HONEST feedback is great for me. I have to watch it when I get into something like this. Ill buy things just because its the "cool thing" or one mans "essential". The last few days I have used a bowl in a bowl (poor mans scuttle). I admit I like the warm lather. Its NICE.. but not a necessity.

In the end I am likely to get one because I also like really nice pottery. So it makes sense from an "artistic" measure... But I don't know that I "need" one. I mean come on. In a forum on wet shaving how many of us NEED 1/2 the stuff we accumulate.

all you NEED is on razor, some blades, a bush and some soap... lol. so yes, semantically maybe my word choice of "need" was a poor one.

For me its refreshing to see a few negative comments. It helps me keep things in perspective.
I wanted to buy a nice scuttle, but I have been really enjoying my cold water shaves. They are awesome looking and I am sure they would keep the lather a warm temp, but why buy one if your done in 10 min?
In the end I am likely to get one because I also like really nice pottery. So it makes sense from an "artistic" measure... But I don't know that I "need" one. I mean come on. In a forum on wet shaving how many of us NEED 1/2 the stuff we accumulate.

+1 on the artistic factor. A scuttle does look nice on the bathroom counter if you have the room. We moved 3 years ago and a realtor went through our house and helped "stage" it. When she came to the bathroom she saw my Duke 3 and scuttle on a shelf and moved them more prominently to the sink. She really liked the look of it and "masuculine" feel it gave the room.
I face lather, but I have sensitive skin and I was wondering if bowl lathering might be easier on my skin because of the reduced amount of time that the brush spends on the face.

I suppose i could just test the theory using a kitchen bowl, but can any of you comment on this?

It might make a scuttle worth my time.
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