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Iridium vs Iridium (which one do you use?)

I learn that there are thus 2 types of blades. I understand better because when I told to have been disappointed by Iridium, certain members of forum, here in France told me not to understand. I bought the version in dark blue (without the registration in the back), and openlyit is far from what I read.
Maybe the others ones are the "authentic " Iridiums.
Okay, I didn't know if they were the same blade or not...the old Polsilver Iridium made in Czech Republic. I only know he had them and ran out before I could snag some! I wonder how they shaved?.

As for yours, marked Polsilver...maybe they just kept the name for Eastern European distribution.

If I recall, the iridiums open_razor sold turned out to be defective. I think he told people to trash them and sent them Derby as a replacement. I bought some old Polsilver stainless from him, which I like very much.

Also, I thought the Polsilver brand had been discontinued completely.
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I have the dark blues and they are not my favorite, but they get the job done. I dont think they are all that smooth.
I have a pillar pack of dark blue--with numbering on the wrappers.

I think they are all the same blade.

I kept switching between the 2 types now. And there are no differences.
I got a great shave today with an Iridium blade. Very comfortable! :thumbup1:

I think I got carried away, and thought we were dealing a case like the Derbys. Horizontal vs Vertical Derbys.
I guess it is in us, to be a bit suspicious and inquisitive.
But the blades are more lilkey the same.
I'm happy they didn't change them, because they are one of the best blades out there!
Yep, hopefully they don't stop manufacturing these blades. Just to make sure I bought another 100 last month. :001_rolle
I kept switching between the 2 types now. And there are no differences.
I got a great shave today with an Iridium blade. Very comfortable! :thumbup1:
Funny, I just stared using them again, and my first few shaves were a bit rough. I was beginning to think that perhaps there was something going on, but I had a great shave with one this AM--just like before.

Time to stock up. :thumbup:
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