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ingrowns how to get rid of them how to avoid them?

I know the bevel is / was aimed at people of color originally , but its also a good razor for others too..Sorry. Was just trying to be helpful.
No it was helpful. If someone can tell me more about the bevel razor that would be awesome. If it is better designed than a regular mild razor it would be good to know. I have seen a few reviews from people using it before. Nothing has indicated that it is any better or worse than other mild razors. But if someone who uses it a whole bunch can confirm that it is a special design that would be a step in the right direction. I just can't justify another zinc alloy mild razor. If its better than a merkur 34C then ill try to get one. I have been seeing it at target and waiting for a sale or a price drop anyways. Its 50 dollars so its a little steep since I got my merkur for 25 and the yaqi ghost ive been looking at is 40. The most ive paid for a zinc alloy razor is the rockwell 6C at 60(its gone up in price now). If it helps it helps i appreciate any suggestions.
I'm pretty fortunate that I don't suffer from in grown hairs much. Only one incident right after I started wet shaving. If you don't already, try exfoliating a couple times week in that area to remove dead skin cells, which can trap hairs and lead to ingrown hair. Use a moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and prevent dryness, which can also contribute to ingrown hairs. I started using CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser daily along with CeraVe's PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion. Its made a noticeable difference in my skin and really reduced skin problems. The Hydrating Facial Cleanser is a game changer. I use it last thing in the shower before shaving or if no time to shower, as my shave prep. It leaves the skin hydrated and slick feeling. That and adding Proraso Blue Pre-shave Protective has made a huge difference. Between those two it really helps soften the stubble and I can now use a more aggressive razor and shave ATG or XTG in my trouble spots and shave daily where I couldn't before. Prior to this I could only use the mildest of razors like the Henson. Now I can use slants and mid aggressive settings on my adjustable razors not attained before. After a particularly bad flair up I also started using Jack Black Bump Fix. The stuff really works for me. I use it every shave and then still add regular aftershave if I want a nice scent afterwards.
I might look into the jack black stuff. I already am trying to exfoliate a couple times a week with the pacific shaving co pre shave scrub. I moisturize in the morning and at night. I use pre shave soap but maybe i should try some proraso pre shave instead.
I think you answered your own question. Shave bi-daily, don't shave as close, that's it. Everyone has a built-in limit, you need to find it, and go up to it, but never cross the line. For me, with my flat growing, curling whiskers, I can't get BBS on the neck (well I can, but then I pay the price). I shave every other day, I use aggressive razors, and only do 2 passes on the neck WTG and XTG, which does not mean S-N and E-W, I mapped my beard and do it accordingly. There are some patches that I do a little ATG, like below the chin, and there I can get away with BBS, but lower, around the apple and to the side of it, nope.
Other things to consider are the prep. For me, hot shower, good soap, good lather (and lots of it).
Again, you have to find the line, but never cross it. If I shaved every day, I'd get ingrowns 100%.
Yeah I cannot get bbs on my adams apple cuz i will pay the price if I try to shave XTG down there. 2 passes max but last night I had better luck doing a 1 pass shave and grain mapping. I have to do ATG on my neck or there is no point in shaving. It will look like I still have tons of stubble if i only do a WTG pass on my face. And my neck is where the hair looks the worst if i let it grow out.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
Try doing your full WTG/ATG one day the just WTG the next and alternate. I can confirm that ATG greatly increases your chance or ingrown hairs. Maybe the WTG only on alternating days will knock down your stubble enough that you’ll be ok with the way you face feels/looks. And you get to shave every day. :thumbup1:
I dont stretch the skin anyways. I never felt like I needed to. Bullfrog? you mean putting air into your cheeks and holding it?
Actually not quite that. Imagine the opposite of stretching. If you put air into your cheeks you are stretching the skin in that area, wouldn’t you agree? Like a balloon getting filled with air.

Imagine trying to bring you chin closer to your neck. You’re bunching up the skin bellow the jawline. That’s bullfroging.

Of course there’s a limit to it for you to be able to safely drag a blade over it. But I think you get the point.

It can be done on every part of your face, not just the neck. Moving your closed lips left or right bunches up one side of your cheeks while it stretches the other.

Bullfroging was the thing that made ATG comfortable for me.

There’s an old thread on B&B about it.
Try doing your full WTG/ATG one day the just WTG the next and alternate. I can confirm that ATG greatly increases your chance or ingrown hairs. Maybe the WTG only on alternating days will knock down your stubble enough that you’ll be ok with the way you face feels/looks. And you get to shave every day. :thumbup1:
so youre saying shave every day but shave WTG one day and then ATG the next day? sounds so crazy it might just work!
Actually not quite that. Imagine the opposite of stretching. If you put air into your cheeks you are stretching the skin in that area, wouldn’t you agree? Like a balloon getting filled with air.

Imagine trying to bring you chin closer to your neck. You’re bunching up the skin bellow the jawline. That’s bullfroging.

Of course there’s a limit to it for you to be able to safely drag a blade over it. But I think you get the point.

It can be done on every part of your face, not just the neck. Moving your closed lips left or right bunches up one side of your cheeks while it stretches the other.

Bullfroging was the thing that made ATG comfortable for me.

There’s an old thread on B&B about it.
oh i gotcha ive seen someone on youtube doing that and I was wondering what he was doing but he would move his chin down and bunch up the fat on his neck and do a XTG pass on his neck that way. Its definitely an advanced technique that could help tbh.
oh i gotcha ive seen someone on youtube doing that and I was wondering what he was doing but he would move his chin down and bunch up the fat on his neck and do a XTG pass on his neck that way. Its definitely an advanced technique that could help tbh.

Check this thread:

Thread 'An unconventional way to get BBS on the neck'
An unconventional way to get BBS on the neck - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/an-unconventional-way-to-get-bbs-on-the-neck.326686/
I’ll throw up a radical idea that no one else has. The ultimate solution to all your issues with irritation and ingrowns is to shave with a straight razor. DE is, and always has been, a compromise of safety and ease vs quality of the shave.
Yes I have heard that a more rigid blade like a straight razor or a injector blade would combat these issues. However I have tried an injector razor before. It was pretty much a bbs shave but I paid for it with massive ingrowns on both sides of my adams apple. I do not know if I will ever try the injector again. Had a similar experience with less efficiency with a gillette super adjustable. It seems to me what works well is a rigid modern DE with no blade chatter and modern style blade clamping. For example the henson mild, PAA quantum, blackbird lite, karve bison, and even the rex ambassador on setting 1 seem to give me fine shaves as long as I shave every other day. Even better with only 1 pass. Im trending towards 1 pass and 1 or 2 days of growth. But after a day of growth my stubble feels disgusting. I never chase BBS I am fine with going for par on a shave because If I try to keep going over the same spots I will most likely pay for it. Ive always had super sensitive skin. My acne is so much better from my 20s onwards but its still occasional issues. I did not even start having heavier beard growth until my late 20s and I was lazy so I barely shaved. Up until a year ago I was shaving so infrequently my wife got tired of it and one day while giving me a hair cut she shaved off everything but my mustache and then I had to go figure out how to shave off the remaining stubble so it wouldnt look stupid. I started with cartridges. Many different ones. I even got a brush and a bowl to dip my toes into DE shaving but was scared to try it. had the best luck with gillette cartridges and harrys but did not want to continue to pay for 5 dollar cartridges. Sorry that was a long winded story of my life kind of thing but yeah. I think DE is good for me its just all about technique and shaving frequency for me now. Im still learning. I only started in january.
I used to get ingrowns a LOT when I used carts (partly due to bad technique) and have a patch of permanent scar tissue from the worst one on my neck, which is still prone to ingrowns today although they are nothing like as bad and usually grow out in a day or two. I did have one last week that turned out to be about 5mm long when I freed it - I hadn't even noticed it until that point but it was actually the worst I have had in years and I think the result of insisting on BBS from a mild razor / blade combo and making too many passes.

All the usual stuff applies: light touch, avoid ATG (I don't...but I should). I feel the best way to deal with them is just exfoliate gently with a warm flannel until they are free. I am sure we all get minor ones infrequently, but as long as they stay minor it's all good.
No it was helpful. If someone can tell me more about the bevel razor that would be awesome. If it is better designed than a regular mild razor it would be good to know. I have seen a few reviews from people using it before. Nothing has indicated that it is any better or worse than other mild razors. But if someone who uses it a whole bunch can confirm that it is a special design that would be a step in the right direction. I just can't justify another zinc alloy mild razor. If its better than a merkur 34C then ill try to get one. I have been seeing it at target and waiting for a sale or a price drop anyways. Its 50 dollars so its a little steep since I got my merkur for 25 and the yaqi ghost ive been looking at is 40. The most ive paid for a zinc alloy razor is the rockwell 6C at 60(its gone up in price now). If it helps it helps i appreciate any suggestions.
That was why I mentioned the bay for it because they recently had a pair of them on there for 15 dollars for both... BTW the head of it is a closed tab design so the blade tabs are Not exposed just as an fyi...
That was why I mentioned the bay for it because they recently had a pair of them on there for 15 dollars for both... BTW the head of it is a closed tab design so the blade tabs are Not exposed just as an fyi...
oh ill have to check that out! I wonder if they still have them! Thats a steal!
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