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Inexpensive Balm for a Noob

Brut's Aftershave balm is a very good product for the money. Whether or not you like Brut's scent, it really does the job and its cheap.

Does Old Spice still make a balm?
I am a three month newbie with a lot of Acquisition Disorders, but none of the pricier balms I've sampled seem worth spending the money for over the Nivea. I bought a four pack from Amazon on sale for about $13 delivered with a coupon a couple of months ago and have never regretted it.
Sanex was great, but sadly discontinued. German REWE shops also have a very good balm (their own brand). Not oily like the Nivea ASBs.
I've tried most of the drug store/Walmart aftershaves and have a couple that I do enjoy. The Nivea one that everyone recommends is nice but it's a bit too watered down and as a result I don't feel that is has the healing characteristics of some others I've found. The scent is neutral though and overall it's very usable and not bad stuff. There are a couple others that I much prefer though.

Neurtogena makes some really nice ones. There's one with SPF and one without. Those two are essentially the same except for the price at the one that contains sunscreen is more expensive per ounce. We don't see more aftershave balms that contain sunscreen because the certification process and all of the testing that's required make it cost prohibitive for most. If you are a aftershave manufacturer it creates more work than the higher price can justify. I do enjoy both of these Aftershave balms and use them quite often. They are what I find to be just the right thickness and offer great healing properties. The face feel of wearing this one is great. It's not sticky at all and feels great on my face. They are just about scentless and don't interfere with any colognes that I might wear. These are my go to for drug store aftershaves as I find them far superior to the Nivea ones.

There is a L'Orreal one that's recently become available that's quite nice. I believe it contains a sunscreen one as well. Very similar to the Neutorgena ones performance wise. Great stuff as well.

There was another that was available called Gillette Intense Cooling Lotion that I really enjoyed but I haven't seen it in a while and wonder if they stopped making it. I think I might have been the only person using it.

There are many more that I don't care for for various reasons and I have a cabinet full of them. For example the Dove one has nice healing properties but it is too thick in my opinion and feel like I have a thick layer of it on my face. It's just uncomfortable for me to wear. The cheap Gillette onesand Afta ones have very distinct scents that will overpower your cologne. Many others are too watered down and lack the protective qualities that I'd like to see present. I'm not going to list off all that I have tried but know that I've tried most of them (about a dozen) looking for a decent one. There are a few exceptions but most I've tried do feel like a cheap product.

I don't just use the drug store aftershaves as I do use some higher cost stuff as well like AOS, L'Occitane Cade, IColoniali, and Nancy Boy Signature as well as many others. The Neutrogena and L'Orreal ones feel like a very good quality aftershave balm and hold their own in my rotation with the much more expensive stuff.


A little poofier than I prefer
Has anyone mentioned Nivea yet?:biggrin1:

Pick up a tube of their shave cream while you're at it. Nice pairing.
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