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I'm holding all of you responsible.

Who us shaving guys crazy..no way we are just doing our thing to save AMERICA..we must buy razors,blades,brushes,bowls,stands,soaps,creams,after shaves,pre shave oils,after shave gels,lotions,balms and powders. Think of it this way..we are saving our country and providing jobs ..better than Obama..our system works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's really simple economics. Your are starting your business, "DE SHAVING", from a relative "Ground Zero", so you spend to find what works for you to run the operation. This is call "Sunk Costs." As I am new to this as well, I made a pact with myself that, with the exception of blades in the sampler pack, I would complete all products before using a new expendable item (soaps, brushes, etc.) Like you VLAD my "Sunk Costs" have gone past the $200 mark, but I now have enough to work with for a while. It will take me six months to try all the blades and soap combinations before they are gone.

It is frustrating, but in theory, if you find products you wish to stick to, then the costs are only operational in nature (blades, soaps and creams) and thus become less expensive against due to the reduced cost of blades.

Remember, however, that theory and reality rarely agree with each other. The theory states that you will save cost. The reality is that this is becoming a hobby, and hobbies are never a cost saving venture.

Reality will win out and you will find that you want that new mug, or brush, or soap, or cream, or ... :hand:
Funny thread. Another slant on the problem: You can always sell the stuff you bought on B&B for, let's say, 80% of what you paid. So your $500 is really only $100 (your true consumption) plus $400 of recoverable R&D inventory. So you are really only out $100 and the rest is on the shelf waiting to be sold someday.

So as you can see, you ARE really saving money moving to DE shaving. You're just in the R&D phase

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No more than 4 months after finding B&B, I've spent almost $500 on shaving stuff. :shocked: How did this happen? I switched from Mach3 to SAVE MONEY. :blink: This is insanity!

I'm blaming y'all for it. YOUR fault. :letterk2:

you're welcome!:blush:

yes but you probably actually ENJOY your shave now and that is priceless :thumbup:

(mmmm ... enabling...)


But you joined the forum, so by blaming us, you are also blaming yourself.
It's ok. We are here to help. Help spend money, help you decide on the next razor, the next brush, the next soap, the next aftershave... It goes on.

And in blaming yourself, you are blaming us because of our advice, which then leads to you blaming yourself for taking the advice, then blaming us for giving the advice, then blaming yourself for asking.....(man I love the Princess Bride!)


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No it only gets worse and by the time you master the art of shaving and have obtained every device known to man in this world and beyond ..then you are too old to care about the money...so spend wildly now and conserve later..besides we will be happy to buy your slightly used shavers for pennies on the dollar...hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
Another thread reminded me that I replaced my bathroom cabinet a week after starting wet-shaving to make the experience nicer and easier (taller vanity). So add another couple hundred to the bill.
Vlad - I am glad to find someone who actually replaced the bathroom cabinet. I found myself thinking the same thing this morning...and it fits into my wife's plan to remodel the bathroom. :001_rolle
Vlad - I am glad to find someone who actually replaced the bathroom cabinet. I found myself thinking the same thing this morning...and it fits into my wife's plan to remodel the bathroom. :001_rolle

Ready-made justification. Lucky. :001_smile
It's kind of interesting to step outside ourselves and look back isn't it ?

My favorite part of the hobby is shaving brushes with after shave lotions taking up the second position. If I don't have something in route via mail, I am not a happy camper. Waiting almost a month for my Semogue brushes was a long haul though, let me tell you.
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