Been quite some time since I've used a cartridge. I'm sure I'd get better shaves with one but I enjoy the morning shaves with my DE too much to change.
I have an ebony C&E branded Edwin Jagger Mach3 handle that I keep in my rotation for times when I just really can't spend more than 10 minutes on shaving. It always bugs me a bit that BBS shaves are the norm with it, while DFS is the norm with my DEs.
I understand that all it really means is that I still need to hone my technique, but I just love the way BBS feels and I wish I could hit it consistently with my DEs.
I've done that. Now I do the same with two DE's: First pass with a cheap blade, remaining passes with a Personna 74.I use a two-pronged approach for every shave. I use a Sensor Excel for my first pass, and a DE for my second and touch-up passes. The Sensor does a great job of clearing out the heavier stubble, and the DE does a nice job of finishing the shave.