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I'm coming clean: I keep a cartridge razor in my rotation.

Been quite some time since I've used a cartridge. I'm sure I'd get better shaves with one but I enjoy the morning shaves with my DE too much to change.
I use a two-pronged approach for every shave. I use a Sensor Excel for my first pass, and a DE for my second and touch-up passes. The Sensor does a great job of clearing out the heavier stubble, and the DE does a nice job of finishing the shave. The two combined give me a better result than either razor does on its own. I happened upon it as a fluke, when one time I was bored with my Sensor and switched to a DE mid-shave. The results were great, so I kept at it, to see if it they were consistently so. I've been using this combo exclusively for several months now, and it works well for me.
I have an ebony C&E branded Edwin Jagger Mach3 handle that I keep in my rotation for times when I just really can't spend more than 10 minutes on shaving. It always bugs me a bit that BBS shaves are the norm with it, while DFS is the norm with my DEs.

I understand that all it really means is that I still need to hone my technique, but I just love the way BBS feels and I wish I could hit it consistently with my DEs.

Keep trying, David. It will happen!
yeah I still have a couple lying around. sometimes I just can't bring myself out of bed until the last possible minute. On those days I'll normally do one or two passes with a DE and then finish up with a M3. I don't like doing multiple passes with the M3, thats just asking for razor burn
Well, whatever I choose, it's a choice of grooming tools, not an ideological statement or an ethical decision. Nothing to apologize for to other people. I wouldn't say that I keep any cartridges in the regular rotation, but they are there in the pool of possible razors, my good old Atra, which I used longer than any other razor, a Trac II, which I don't like quite as much, and the brand new Schick Hydro, which worked quite well when I tried it recently. I even have a Fusion and one of its cartridges left. All of them deliver decent shaves. Non-Gillette brand replacement cartridges for the Trac II and Atra are only around fifty cents each, not much more expensive than DE blades.

Shaving with a cartridge is a bit faster for me, but not necessarily much faster. An injector shave is almost as fast, although it requires a little more concentration. Some SE razors are about as quick as that, others take me more time. DE shaves tend to be the slowest, in that I need to take more passes.

As far as quality of shave goes, using a cartridge is now in the same general range for me as DE/SE/injectors, but perhaps at the lower end of that range. I'd maintain that I do get closer, longer lasting shaves with injectors or SE razors, but the difference between those and an Atra or Hydro is not huge. My best DE shaves are also a bit better than using any cartridge I've tried, but as I've said, do take longer.

It is necessary to be a bit more careful with a single blade razor to avoid cuts, but with practice, this isn't that big a problem.
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I use a two-pronged approach for every shave. I use a Sensor Excel for my first pass, and a DE for my second and touch-up passes. The Sensor does a great job of clearing out the heavier stubble, and the DE does a nice job of finishing the shave.
I've done that. Now I do the same with two DE's: First pass with a cheap blade, remaining passes with a Personna 74.
What a confession! Seriously, though, if it works for you ...

Isn't everything here qualified with YMMV? There is a good reason for that.

Your DE experience may change for the better after you gain some skill and try some different blades. Don't worry about it. You are on a journey. Enjoy.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, gents. I would like to add that, although I do have a cartridge razor in my rotation, it only comes out maybe twice a month. Maybe. I'm a DE shaver through-and-through, and I do consistently get DFS with a BBS here and there.

I'm looking into a slant some time this year. I have a lot of gentle razors, and I have an extremely coarse beard. I'm thinking a slant may just be the ticket for me.
FWIW I picked up a Fusion recently. Didn't enjoy the shave, but I could be more careless with it. I'm considering a Mach 3 instead, for travel or when I have to be quick. I mean 5 minutes quick.
I am still using Mach3 catridges along with a badger brush and a good cream. I get a DFS. I was never able to get BBS because of my sensitive skin. Got a tip from a fellow b&b member on how to save money on Mach3 cartridges. Use $4 P&G coupon along with 20% off Bed Bath and Beyond coupon. All said and done, it will cost you about a buck a cartridge. Not bad.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Nothing in the wet shaving liturgy says that a DE, or a SE or a straight should be used.
Wet shaving is all about the water and soap / cream and brush.
I personally prefer the old school equipment, but whatever gets you to where you think your shave needs to be shouldn't be looked down upon.
I do think the Fusion monstrosity is pushing the envelope on common sense as far as blade quantity, but that's me.
I still occasionally use my electric. It works well around my goatee when I have one, and it works well when I'm pressed for time or travelling.
Another faceturbation special this morning using Trac II, my Semogue 2009 LE boar brush, and Saint Charles Shave's superb soap.:thumbup1::biggrin1:
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