I'm not saying every restaurant follows the guidelines, nor am I in any way implying a soap maker here or anywhere is using a contaminated kitchen. I am saying the food industry is regulated. Mis-followed and fought against and outright abused--obviously. But there are those guidelines in place, which are strict.
This is probably piling on at this point, but if the fact that the restaurant industry is regulated makes you feel better about using their products, I'd be careful. I've long since moved on to another career, but my undergraduate degree is in Hotel & Restaurant management and I spent many of my younger years working in restaurants. I took the required sanitation course and was, "certified" (that's certified, not certifiable for you wise guys out there). Let me tell you, some of the stuff I saw in the restaurants I worked in would make you never want to eat in a restaurant again, and would probably put you off eating in general.
I've also worked in some other more highly regulated industries and it didn't necessarily stop defective or even dangerous product from reaching the public. I guess that's just a long winded way of saying that regulations or using big companies' products vs. small companies' products doesn't necessarily guarantee a superior product. We're fortunate enough on this forum to hear about great vendors with great products and services every day. I'd much rather rely on someone's experience with a product or vendor than trust my luck to regulations.
By the way, one last thought. Don't ever send your food back to the kitchen if it didn't come out the way you wanted it. Trust me.