Your waiting for your mystery pif to arrive, your not buying anything just in case the mystery pif is something you might have duplicated with these purchases
Hows that for a rationalization???
Hows that for a rationalization???
Your waiting for your mystery pif to arrive, your not buying anything just in case the mystery pif is something you might have duplicated with these purchases
Hows that for a rationalization???
Tell me your secret. I bought 3 razors in the past 2 weeks. Obviously telling myself that "I already have enough" isn't working.
It's just a little ADD. Acquisition Disorder Depression. You can wait it out or find a new AD to keep you occupied in the meantime.
Do you want to be happy or have more toys? I have to side with the Greeks: Call no man happy while he's still alive--then see if he's the one with the most toys.Maybe it comes from realizing more toys do not equal happiness?
I might just have been enabled into buying a new razor... not that I really need but it is so shiny.
you can always use another razor, as long as you use it a few times it means it was worth it.