ok, I'll say it 
how much do you want for it?
Also, nice work man!

how much do you want for it?

Also, nice work man!
ok, I'll say it
how much do you want for it?
Also, nice work man!
umm... I think I will keep it for a while,unleseeeess you have a soul to spare?
thanks for the appreciation
My cleaning is pretty simple, dish soap and a brass brush, this one had a blade in it when it shipped in hence the rust, a little clr on a magic eraser to clean out the corners under the hood scrub and rinse but you cant leave it on for long it will attack the nickel, clr will strip the blackened brass ring under the adjuster knob, steer clear of that part. I only use clr to kill rust and spot application.
A good slathering of meguiars #9 hand rub to pull oxidization, mild hand buff on the silo doors with a red foam pad also with #9, toothbrush with baking soda or whitening tooth paste, hot water rinse, barbisol dunk for 10min.
Its a complete roll of the dice sometimes you find awesome-ness under the scum, sometimes salvageable for replate and sometimes no hope, that's where I start thinking paint options.
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
I have been using tamiya acrylic for the numbers, dob it on, wipe with a flat implement wrapped in a cotton cloth. The adjuster spring lacquer is when I take them apart, I strip the old, polish and use a two component clear/candy red, I have used the same tamiya paint in red but the product I use is more of a permanent solution and closer to the original, although I like a brighter red than the original. I dont recommend taking apart your razor just for that, the only time I take them apart is if there is an issue that cant be resolved otherwise.