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I like to take a globe and flip it upside down.....

I have a theory....

Why would archeology be covered up ?

Consider....the world was given over to Lucifer, as a hunting ground, so he can seek whom he may devour.....God kept a portion to Himself (Israel)

Lucifer can't have it, and like the whiney arrogant brat he is, if he can't have it, he wants to destroy it.

Consider....if it weren't for the salt of the planet (Christians) .....God would have scrapped the planet already.

Are Christians being slightly squelched ?

If an archeological find were to be deemed proof, everything about the God of Israel and His people, that proved it's all about Him, His way, His glory.....
I have a gut feeling today's atheists would be firm believers tomorrow.....
His people would practicly own the planet.....which would really put the events of Revelation on an extended hold ....LOL !

What in the world are you trying to post exactly? Besides, archeological finds have consistently proven the accuracy of Scripture. They found all sorts of Old Testament battle sites, countries that seemed to have been wiped out, though no one believed they existed, they even think they found Noah's Ark.

But now it just seems like random spam you're throwing out, since you copy War and Peace into a post. So, were I to guess, you're either headed to the clown house or deleted...
Big gorilla at the LA zoo
snatched the glasses right off my face
took the keys to my BMW
left me here to take his place.

from "Gorilla You're a Desperado" by Warren Zevon

Love the last two comments.....LOL !

snagged this from my archives.....
Who were the Tuatha De Danaan in the Book of Ballimote, the ones who started Druidism ? "After them, the Tuatha De arrived
Concealed in their dark cloud
I ate my food with them
Though at such a remote period." - The Book of Balimote .....

Who were The Watchers, the angelic beings, in the Book of
Enoch ?
"Altogether, they were two hundred who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon." - The Book of Enoch .....

Who were the
Anunnaki the Sumerian gods, in the Sumerian Epics of Kharsag ?
"At Kharsag, where Heaven and Earth met,
the Heavenly Assembly, the great sons of Anu
arrived (descended) - the Many Wise Ones." -The Sumerian Epics of Kharsag.....there are other beings who have reportedly descended throughout ancient cultures in history.....

The Tuatha de Danaan were said to cloak themselves in a mist during battles, which allowed them to vanish and reappear .....

Generally, these beings are known as ancient space gods, but I prefer to call them the Creator's rebellious brats, who cause wars and destruction.....

The Bibles says we are not at war with flesh, we war with principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places,
which is pretty much obvious as to what's been going on, throughout the course of His existence, and more then likely, before He created Adam.....

Here is another example of a god, who fits the description of Lucifer....he's called Lugh of the Long Arm and is also known as Chief Doctor of the Sciences.....Lugh is known as The god Of Light.....or The god Of The Underworld....he was as intelligent as he was gorgeous.....his face was shining as a light.....remember, Lucifer is also know as The Angel of Light.....

Here's an excerpt from The Book of Enoch-

"And there appear to me two men very tall,
such as I have never seen on earth.
And their faces shone like the Sun, and their
eyes were like burning lamps; and fire came forth from their lips. " .....

The Tuatha de Danaan were also described as the shining ones, and sometimes they were described as opalescent, because they
seemed to be lit up by a light within themselves .....

What are orbs people reportedly see all over the world ?

They range in different sizes and color.

Could they be spiritual beings ? Angelic beings ? Lost spirits of the Nephilim, from the Antediluvian period ? Principlalities ? ...... The beings Yeshua called unclean spirits ? Is their a parallel between them, and what is being described as UFOs/extraterrestrials ?

The world is full of stories, ancient relics, and archelogical findings.....One that has really made my eyes open up is the fact that they've uncovered groups of skeletal beings who were worshipped by the Native Americans (the Hopis) and the skeletal beings were 8 ft tall.....it seems like every time a group of these skeletal beings is uncovered, it's reburied by the government (of course) along with all of the rest of " Forbidden Archeology ".....Some of these beings had six fingers and six toes and double rows of teeth.....hmmmm ?......proof the Nephilim existed ?.....

I believe those hybrids existed/exist, whom are the unlcean spirits that mimic, and haunt us.

OMG...I was at a B&B forum, and a alt.religion USENET group broke out!


Jeff in Boston
What in the world are you trying to post exactly? Besides, archeological finds have consistently proven the accuracy of Scripture. They found all sorts of Old Testament battle sites, countries that seemed to have been wiped out, though no one believed they existed, they even think they found Noah's Ark.

But now it just seems like random spam you're throwing out, since you copy War and Peace into a post. So, were I to guess, you're either headed to the clown house or deleted...

That's why I said slightly squelched....I know what they've uncovered....
The Shroud of Turin has had discussion overkill, to the point of, dunno, still dunno, still speculating....just like all other archeological biblical topics.
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This whole thing is completely outrageous. Obviously, orangutans should get rights before gorillas. They're the only ones that can keep the gorillas' militaristic tendencies in check.
obviously...only a woman could cause such confusion amongst a group of men. :lol:

God made woman from Adam's rib.....

Oh the possibilities in the name of euphemisms....LOL !

Did you know, all fetus' are female for the 1st 6 weeks of pregnancy ?

If it a chromosome were to drop dead tomorrow, men would become extinct.....:lol:
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Just out of curiosity, Dzephyr, have you ever written any essays on the characteristics of good service in restaurants?
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