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I got banned on another service

Hello trusted friends of Badger & Blade,

I’ve never been banned from a group before. But today I got banned from a Reddit group and the mods have it set up to where I can’t even send them messages to appeal.

I believe I was wrongfully banned due to AI bots checking for certain keywords and phrases. I know for a fact that I did not violate the rules. I mean there wasn’t even a warning.

So anyway, I’m looking for advice on how to proceed with this. I guess it’s more principle than anything because it’s one of my lower priority groups. I’m just bothered by it and hope it doesn’t give me some kind of a hidden score that they can use to kick me out of other groups that I enjoy much more.


What did you post that led to the ban?
>reddit, ever

found the mistake

No disrespect meant, but isn’t this you trying to upsell the Yates over on Reddit?

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