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I got banned on another service

Hello trusted friends of Badger & Blade,

I’ve never been banned from a group before. But today I got banned from a Reddit group and the mods have it set up to where I can’t even send them messages to appeal.

I believe I was wrongfully banned due to AI bots checking for certain keywords and phrases. I know for a fact that I did not violate the rules. I mean there wasn’t even a warning.

So anyway, I’m looking for advice on how to proceed with this. I guess it’s more principle than anything because it’s one of my lower priority groups. I’m just bothered by it and hope it doesn’t give me some kind of a hidden score that they can use to kick me out of other groups that I enjoy much more.


What did you post that led to the ban?
>reddit, ever

found the mistake

No disrespect meant, but isn’t this you trying to upsell the Yates over on Reddit?

Hello trusted friends of Badger & Blade,

I’ve never been banned from a group before. But today I got banned from a Reddit group and the mods have it set up to where I can’t even send them messages to appeal.

I believe I was wrongfully banned due to AI bots checking for certain keywords and phrases. I know for a fact that I did not violate the rules. I mean there wasn’t even a warning.

So anyway, I’m looking for advice on how to proceed with this. I guess it’s more principle than anything because it’s one of my lower priority groups. I’m just bothered by it and hope it doesn’t give me some kind of a hidden score that they can use to kick me out of other groups that I enjoy much more.


If they are using AI its just to take some of the heavy load they have, don’t take it personal, if you think you have been wrongly judged, try to communicate with the mods, if you can’t send them message try from a 2nd account or trough another user.

I was mod in couple of forums in the 90’s and early 2000, way before social media, dark web, reddit..etc, its really a tough job, the forums in question were for tech, networking, telecom, mobile phones, hacking…etc, everyday i have to ban several users who don’t give a **** to any forum rule, we receive a lot of lawsuits, complains from all tech companies you can imagine (Nokia, RIM, Apple, Asus, Cisco, Microsoft,…etc) and we have to remove those posts and comply otherwise we can easily have the forum shutdown. And when you ban someone, i would say 90% of the case he will message you just to insult you, sometimes we just a give a warning but when we ban someone, we restrict him from messaging us or even joining the forum again under different name, we just ban all the IP range on that area.
Does it matter? I’m not looking for a consensus on what I posted in a completely different genre than anything here. Besides, it isn’t going to change the circumstances.
Sometimes the mods on these forums just get short tempered and grumpy and will simply use the ban hammer. (not B&B mods- they're terrific).


My elbows leak
Staff member
We try really hard here to not ban people, but rather let them ban themselves.
Unless it is an egregious violation - pornography or such, people get warned.
How they respond and their behavior moving forward is what decides ones fate here.

Someone new coming in and immediately posting snarky or trollish posts will do it too.
You could try to go on Reddit main page and there's a place you can contact Reddit directly and ask them to see if they can help by maybe getting them to ask the subreddit mods about your ban.. I mean if they are in a good mood that day they have been known to sometimes reach out and help.. Good luck..
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Reddit is the King of GroupThink. They get upset about everything and when they do, they go crazy. They will gang up and claim you made a threat. If enough people report it, you get your account locked or you get banned from a group. I once got locked for several days for a threat that they couldn't find. I have been warned before and they always include the post in question. The Conservative forum(there is only one) has people locked all the time. Reddit has some VERY good subs but you better keep your non-conforming political thoughts to yourself. Some subs don't allow any politics which is nice.
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