The near worship of tallow soaps on these boards. When I ordered my blade sampler I got a sample of Cella soap. After a little deliberation, I decided it would be best for me to use it rather than throw it away. Decided to give it a fair trial too, just to see what all the fuss is about.
On opening the little sample, I instantly did not care for the smell. While I can see its trying to smell like almonds, its not trying very hard.
I think it must have been the little sample jar, but I had the hardest time getting the brush well loaded. Between every pass I was returning to the puck to pick up more lather.
The lather itself... good enough, but not above and beyond. I definately prefer Proraso, and I can get a better lather with VDH if I apply a little elbow grease.
I've still got most of the sample, so I will continue to use it in rotation and post any improvements (little jar has to go)
Long story short
Tallow: I came, I shaved, I wasn't that impressed.
On opening the little sample, I instantly did not care for the smell. While I can see its trying to smell like almonds, its not trying very hard.
I think it must have been the little sample jar, but I had the hardest time getting the brush well loaded. Between every pass I was returning to the puck to pick up more lather.
The lather itself... good enough, but not above and beyond. I definately prefer Proraso, and I can get a better lather with VDH if I apply a little elbow grease.
I've still got most of the sample, so I will continue to use it in rotation and post any improvements (little jar has to go)
Long story short
Tallow: I came, I shaved, I wasn't that impressed.