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I can't believe I never tried a.............

Heresy, I know, but I've not yet gotten around to picking up a Trumper nor Harris soap. I'll remedy that some year soon.
What product stands out as something that, for whatever reason, you just never got around to trying? Whether it leaves you befuddled or embarrassed, what's the most glaring omission among the products you've already tried?

For me, it's any Taylor soap. Tried lots of their creams, some a/s's, and colognes, but haven't hit one of their soaps yet. (What are they like? :ohmy:)

What's the first one on your list?

Merkur razors.
For some reason, they do not appeal to me.
Musgo Real! It is all according to plan. Been busy trying all other national creams, I will have a go at Musgo somewhere in the near future.
I haven't tried VDH or Williams soap, or Lilac Vegetal. I want to try these, I just haven't pulled the trigger on the purchase yet.
I've never shaved with a Fat Boy. As to software, I would like to try AoS Sandalwood SS. I've never tried VdH or Williams but never had much of a desire to.
Been shaving w/ my DE for 2+ years now, and still have not tried Aqua Velva A/S. Embarrassing right?

Until about 3 weeks ago, this would have been proraso cream & old spice AS, so i'm making progress.
L'Occitane en Provence Cade, Gillette Superspeed (I've owned 6, but never shaved with one. ***), C&E Nomad EDT.

Aberneth, please give the SS a try, although I am afraid you may end up disappointed. (Disappointed you didn't try the SS a long time ago!)
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