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INFO! How to pay for your winnings


Staff member
So, big spender... You've won a Lot or two. What next?

Go to Qgiv - https://secure.qgiv.com/event/fightcrcfundraising/register/form/registration , and set up an account. It can be anonymous or public.


If it's a public account, you have the option to join the Badger and Blade Team. Please consider joining the Team. It makes it very easy to track our fundraising progress. We've set our long-term goal at $200,000.

The Team Page is Fight Colorectal Cancer - https://secure.qgiv.com/event/fightcrcfundraising/team/974559/ , again please consider joining the Team.

Once you've set up your account and joined the team, you can continue to the donation tab


which will take you to the Donation Portal


Select "Other" and enter the total amount of the lots you won, proceed through the payment process, and Phil's your uncle.

If it's a single Lot, send a copy of your receipt and your address to the Gentleman who provided the Lot(the OP of the Lot thread).

If you have won multiple Lots, please send me a copy of your receipt and let me know which Lots you won. You'll also need to send a copy of the receipt and your address to the Gentlemen who donated the Lot(s)(the OP of the Lot thread).

Last step. Please thank the Member who provided the Lot. We wouldn't be able to fight Colorectal Cancer without these donations.

Feel free to post any donation related questions in this thread.
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Are we to infer
If you have won multiple Lots, please send me a copy of your receipt and let me know which Lots you won. You'll also need to send a copy of the receipt and your address to the Gentlemen who donated the Lot(s)(the OP of the Lot thread).
Are we to infer we should wait for your message confirming the donation is correct?
Don't feel bad about donating "small" things. Not everyone has the means or interest to bid on unobtanium or collector items. Having a wide range of items will increase overall auction participation.
Sorry, I screwed this up. After joining the team I hit the big blues Donate Now button. Anyway the donation is in, but may not be contributed to the team. Weird software design, that.
There's only 14 packages to ship. Plus one to myself. :straight: Of course, there would be that one item that doesn't fit any box I can find. Three attempts to make a box failed. Fortunately, the long skinny box I made for the strop was a success.

All but 3 donations are in, but I'll mail everything out anyway because the dollar total is small and it's not worth waiting and making a second trip.
... and 0! :LMS You guys are quick!

Everything's packed, addressed, and stuffed in shopping bags ready to carry to the post office. I'll reply with tracking info once things are sent on their way.
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