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How many safety razors in your regular rotation?

When I had over a dozen DE's I regularly used only 3...Flare Tip Super Speed, Tech and Slim.

Now that I'm almost exclusively straight shaving I only use 2 DE's. Fat handle Tech if I need/want a quick shave (or if I'm not in the "zone" for using a straight), Slim for travel use.
I have 8, and I use all of them, although I must admit my Travel Tech sits in the drawer more than the other 7--ball end Old Type, Bar Handle Long Tooth New, Gold Fat Handle Tech, '54 Flair Tip SS, '57 Red Tip SS, '59 Fatboy, and '62 Slim. I generally load up a blade in one and shave with that one until the blade starts to fade. Then I load up a different blade in another razor(sometimes mid-shave), and continue. No set order on the rotation, though. I just grab the razor that fits my mood when the blade gives out.:thumbup1:
It would be great to hear from everyone who has a set rotation of razors. How many do you like using in your rotation? If your up to it, it will be good to hear which razors too.

I have three razors in my rotation. However, they're all straights and my Mühle R89 stays in the dopp bag.
I own seven, but one is a clear favorite, the Merkur progress. Every few weeks I try one of the others with a new blade and use it for three, or perhaps, four shaves, then go back to the progress. I have a Vision on the way and have very high hopes for that. Over time, I'll probably sell or trade the others.
A '66 Superspeed (only once in a while) and a Merkur HD (99% of the time). The only reason I keep the SS is for "nostalgias sake"-----it's the same age as me!
No rotation here, I'm still in the figuring out stage trying out various razor and blade combos. I expect to find something that really clicks and stick with it for a while but in the meantime I'm having fun buy and cleaning old razors and seeing how they feel.

At the moment I like my '51 tech, '40s SS and (suprisingly) a '67 Knack.
This thread actually made me think of the still ridiculous number of razors I have that are waiting to be tried for the first time. They get cycled into the rotation, I go back to the tried and true, then I use another new one.

The rotation of tried and true razors that I return to in between trying the new ones are Schick types E, G, J, and adjustable, and Gem 1912.
I have a 1953 Super Speed, two 1966 Slim Adjustables. Ive got several other razors on the way.
I like the Super Speed, but have been getting great shave with the adjustable.

forgot the Tech *facepalm*
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I personally only own a few razors. A Mühle R89, Merkur 15C, Merkur Slant (37C), Gillette New, Gillette Tech and Gillette slim Adjustable (which is mint in gold so never gets used).

I find I tend to use the Mühle R89 as my main razor which I can rely on. The Others I use when I don't need a perfect shave as I'm still getting to know them.

Interesting thread and question.
I have 3 in semi-regular rotation out of 16. A Big Boy New Deluxe, a #16, and a vintage 3 piece Velvet. Right now I'm using the Big Boy most often. I'm also experimenting with straights.
I own a gold fat handle Tech, an unused '64 Aristocrat, Muhle R89, Joris, Parker 11R, and a Futur.

I tend to stick with my Joris and Futur. I don't really rotate but go in spurts. I used the Joris for about two weeks and am now addicted to my Futur. I could be a month before I switch again.
I have two razors, a Muhle R89 and a 1953 Gillette #58. As of today I am only using the R89, I find the shave I get Gillette is not as close and comfortable as the Muhle. I am wanting to try a Fatboy so am on the look out for one of those at the right price.
I think many of us have a lot in common. Its great to hear from all of you. Its very interesting the way everyone varies from the next.
I own about 15 razors - no modern stuff.
The three that get regular use are a Schick Krona, a Red Tip SS, and a Gillette NEW.....every now and then I'll pull something else out and give it a whirl.
Lately, I have been on a NEW kick, but that could change.
I have three razors in my rotation. However, they're all straights and my Mühle R89 stays in the dopp bag.

I'll also mention that aside from those three straights and safety razor, I own two more straights. Eventually those two will find new homes; I only keep the ones I'm most drawn to while everything else goes.

I've narrowed it down to two:

My EJ89, which always gives me perfect shaves, and a 1965 Gillette Slim, which I am trying to tame. I'll probably add an injector and call it quits.
Currently down to four:

1917 Gillette Aristocrat
1958 Gillette Toggle
Rolls Razor - Imperial #2
Pils Stainless Steel

136 others in the wings!


Wanting for wisdom
One. I think I managed to land myself a good one on my first choice. It is a Merkur 38C. I do have four straight razors though, the two I restored and started out with and two new dovo's I treated myself to a couple of months ago. I still do use the 38C every once in a while.
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