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"How Many Razors Does One Man Need?

I'm still very much learning my trade, so I have 4 razors at the moment. I feel guilty having that many, honestly. Once I find something I start getting consistent, fanstastic results with, I'll likely keep that. 2 razors tops. No judgement of those that have 100 times that many. :biggrin1:
How many shoes/different forms of make-up/dresses/*insert relevant particular item here* do Ladies require is the question I fire back at any poor lady that is unable to relate to the acquisition disorder ;)
It's still interesting why we need more than 1 razor, when one razor does the job.
I only arrived recently in DE world and have two great razors now, but knowing myself,
it will be three later on.
I am so fascinated about the way they work and especially the way they're build.
My wife has finally stopped asking me to grow my beard back. I think that she is resolved to the fact that I am back into shaving every day after 12 years with a rip van winkle beard.
I just started this DE shaving and did lots of research on this forum before I purchased a razor. I figured I would start at what I felt was the top so I wouldn't want more. I ended up with Astra sp blades and jagger de89 razor.

But for some reason I still am curious about other razors and blades.
What razor are you bidding on?

It is a gold 1960 Toggle (F4). However, I am no longer the highest bidder and think I'll let this one go. I think next time I'll focus instead on trying to find a birth year and quarter razor (February 28, 1958).
i thought i was the only one who got the old how many do you need thing, the good thing is they get fed up saying it after a bit, well so far so good anyway.:biggrin1:
Looks like the American patriarchy is dead. I married a Russian wife...from the land where men still rule. So, I don't sweat what my wife thinks.
Some said you only need one razor but luckily most know better....:ohmy:

The truth is that you don't need any razor at all. You need water and food, and because going naked is forbidden in most countries, you need some clothes as well. But a razor? Shaving is a luxury and any razor unneeded. :001_tt2:

So once you see a razor is an excess in the first place we can stop arguing what number is still appropriate and what is too much. When you give in you might as well do it the right way; once you think you really have enough you probably have two too many but till then you are in need of some more! :devil:
1 as long as it works good for you, however i think most of us have established that just one is impossible.
Haha my girl is the same way i get rad on and off but she puts up with it luckily
In my excitement to be bidding on an old razor on eBay, I told my wife about it. :crying:

I love my wife dearly and like to share things with her, especially good or exciting things. I realize now, though, that I should have kept my peace unless and until I win the bidding contest (which may not happen).

Wife: "How much?"

Me: "Uh, about $160 so far..."

Wife: "What? How many razors does one man need? How many do you have now?"

Me: "Uh, three that I use..."

Fortunately, my wife is very tolerant of my excesses. She told me to continue bidding, as long as I don't go crazy, and as long as I trade or sell a razor before getting yet another one... :thumbup:
My rationalization has been that my ADs are relatively inexpensive compared to other "vices". Were I to smoke a pack a day, it would cost about $150/month or $1800/year.. My ADs combined never approached this, and most of the razors I've purchased could easily be sold for more than I payed for them. My RAD had been waning recently, and I've bought only one razor in 2012, a Weber Bulldog ARC. The Weber will probably finish my RAD off, as it is incredibly well made and an excellent shaver. I used to rotate through a dozen different razors, but over the past six months, the Weber is getting used most of the time, with a pre-WWII Fat Handled Tech getting much of the remaining playing time. I've got over 500 Iridium blades with 500 more various others, so don't see myself buying any other blades for years to come. I have more than thirty soaps and creams, but find myself reaching for AoS, La Toja and DR Harris soaps more and more, and I could happily stick with my Eagle G3 badger and Semogue 610 boar. Speick ASL is clearly my favorite aftershave. That leaves fragrances as my one ongoing AD. Fortunately, my wife is happy to let me indulge in my harmless hobby (or anything else I choose to do- she trusts my judgement, which is a big part of why we have been happily married for over a quarter century). She knows that I won't ever put her in a position where the kids can't buy lunch because I spent the money on Amouage Tribute Attar
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