Ah but.... would you mess with a hick who kills deer with an AK-47? I sure wouldn't. 
how is a disposable-blade straight razor not a straight razor?
you acknowledge there is indeed a difference by the very title of your thread.
I don't think you'd get any of the straight razor users here or on any forum to agree that they are the same.
I know that the care and maintenance is very different, and though i have not used a disposable, i have listened to people much more experienced than i tell of the significant differences in the shave as well.
How is a disposable-blade straight razor not a straight razor?
What really bothers me about this thread is nobody really has answered the OP question in a meaningful way . There are a few references to maintenance issues (no kidding). A few references to differences in shaves (never saying anything specific to what those differences are) . And a lot of POOR analogies.
If some one asked me; whats the difference between a mach3 and a DE?
I could give a str8 answer (pun differently intended) .
1. Blade is sharper . Doesnt pull and hack like a cartridge. Requires no pressure. etc.
Or I could say :
DE is pretty bird tweeting in tree . Mach3 is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad.
Now I cant answer his question , I dont know much about these or straight razors.
I hope somebody does.
He answered his own question relating to the technical aspect. Where you are wrong is in ignoring the part of his question, "I hear these people...". Essentially, it seems like he asked why said people do not consider a disposable straight a straight. Hence, IMO the analogies were on point. He already acknowledged the technical differences. His question was essentially, "Why don't these people consider a disposable straight, a straight when they share the same purpose and description on paper". The answer he got was clear; there is more ritual and "refinement" to a regular straight and straight users hold this sacred.
What I did seem to ignore is the many posts were the difference is bragging rights. Which seems to be the only difference. I guess I was expecting something a little more technical than mere Ambiance .
how many of them can honestly say that they can routinely achieve an edge as sharp as the blades you put into a Feather Artist? Not many, I'd think.
Is a disposable camera not a camera?
There may be differences between the one-time camera you buy at the drugstore and a professional SLR model, but they both take pictures.
And to take that a little farther, if you don't know what you're doing, the pro SLR is still going to give you crappy pictures. It is possible to have good photos|shaves with a disposable, just as it's possible to have crap results from the "professional" tools.
Neither of them are horses, actually.
View attachment 94323
(please disregard the antismoking add on the bottom, it was not part of the original art work).
It is made by a french artist named René Magritte (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/René_Magritte) and the original is in french:
View attachment 94328
Hey! Hey! Hey!.
Rene Magritte is a Belgian artist.
I would not say Elvis Presley was a Mexican singer, would I?
If you ever come across an excellent beer, a fine artist, the most famous razor hone in the world, a weird detective in an Agatha Christie novel, there a more than average chance you're dealing with Belgian stuff.
It's already bad enough they call it French fries. No need to do the same with René Magritte.
By the way: Razors are for shaving. It's pretty insecure to base a preference on cool-factor. I like the artisan-factor of traditional straight razors. But I'm pretty convinced that equal results can be obtained with disposable blades in a shavette, or in a DE, for that matter.
Kind regards,
The answer to your question is that the definitions of straight razor that you have read are not very good or helpful.
First of all, the term straight razor is I believe a modern description of what used to be called an open razor and which in turn was often in slang called a cut throat razor. The term open razor is for me at least the most descriptive and the term straight razor is totally meaningless as the one thing an open razor isnt is straight. Incidentally, the open razor was not replaced by the closed razor but by the safety razor. Interestingly safety razors are very rarely called safety razors but variously described as DE razors or disposable razors or even trade names like Fusion. All very confusing, but it is far easier to understand if you go back to basics. There basically two types of razor, the open razor and the safety razor.
The disposable open razor is just that. It differs from the open razor in as much as once the blade becomes blunt , the blade is disposed of.
Today, many barbers use open disposable razors to give a traditional wet shave because of concerns about hygiene in relation to the open razor. Some however use disposable safety razors. The blade they use is used for one person only and then it is dosposed of.
If you know how to maintain an open razor by yourself, I think the cost of ownership of an open razor is likely to be significantly less than the disposable open razor. It is also more environmentally friendly. However if you need to send an open razor off for rehoning on a regular basis, the disposable open razor may well be more cost effective.
The disposable open razor is quite an inexpensive razor to purchase and it is
far more utilitarian than many open razors which can be highly decorated with expensive and exotic handles.
As to the quality of shave that each shaving instrument can bring to the individual, I think that this largely depends on the skill of the user or barber.
I hope that clears up understandings and definitions a little bit.
What a great thread this has been. Allow me to summarize to date. But unfortunately, I didn't do that well in English classes where they had you summarize. So I took the first sentence of every post on the assumption that is the most important sentence. Sure, it took a lot of time, but it kept me off of the BST and ebay for a little bit, much to my bank account's relief.
And here is the summary, some of it actually makes sense, most of it does not:
- snip
It's pretty insecure to base a preference on cool-factor