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How do you BREAK-IN or Condition NEW Brush?

I'll have my new boar SOC brush on monday or Tuesday, if it stinks, will just lather with some cheap soap and palm lather then rinse, will let dry for a full day or so, re-lather with some Stirling Baker Street soap and let it sit for half an hour and then rinse and let fully dry. Baker street is strong enough that the brushes i've used so far carry that scent next time I use them so should take the smell out quickly.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
I've owned probably 60-70+ badgers, 30+ new. The only thing I ever do to "break" the brush in is use it. In my experience, it's a broken in as it will ever be by the 2nd shave (3rd at most). As @Rudy Vey said above, nothing too complicated is needed (KISS).
If you think it needs a cleaning, a light lathering with Dawn is in order (this really only applies to used brushes; if a NEW brush needs to be cleaned, stop dealing with that maker.
DON'T use a hair conditioner on it; conditioners contain oils; oils & soap don't really get along (I have a very good test you can try about oil & water if you want)
i received a new prosaso-omega boar for christmas. before i used it, i soaked it over night (not in the fridge) and the next day, lathered (proaso-green) and rinsed it twice. i let it completely dry out and then worked the bristles on my hand to fluff it up. that was it.

i looked at it closely the other day and can see plenty of split ends developing. its turned out to be a great brush for me. ymmv.
I just lather them up and rinse. Partially to clean out the debris that might be there from storage or shipping. Mostly just to play with it. Then I just use them.

Except for my horse hair brush. Took over a week of use and lathering to get the smell out. The horse was strong with funk.
I just lather them up and rinse. Partially to clean out the debris that might be there from storage or shipping. Mostly just to play with it. Then I just use them.

Except for my horse hair brush. Took over a week of use and lathering to get the smell out. The horse was strong with funk.
I have an Omega 10108 boar that refused to de stink after 50 uses. I shall refer to it as the big stinker but will not give up on it yet!
I'm a little late. For synthetics, no break-in necessary obviously, but I do wash them with dish soap to get out any dust or chemicals that may have been left after the manufactruing process. For boar (badger would be the same), just wash them with a shampoo (I use head & shouders shampoo and conditioner, simply because it's what I use on my own head) Break-in occurs just with regular use. Shampooing before use has resulted in no smelly funk, so may be worth while if you have a funky smell brush.


Goose Poop Connoisseur
Was reading another Thread that was not specifically about the subject above, but it got me thinking. A person could spend big bucks for NEW Brush, and destroy it fast without some sort of Care, and Proper Break In?

Now the question is if you were to acquire a New Brush in Bore, Synthetic, or Badger Hair what would you personally do to Break in to get Ready to shave. Do you BREAKE IN say Bore differently then Badger, or ManMade Hair. Tips Tricks, and Secrets please share.

As for years I have only old Bore, that I have had years, when I got use, it stunk, I use, it still stunk, and used more the stink went away. Was from India and was what I call price point special.
Use it.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
No brush "needs" to break in. Synthetic and badger are ready to go. Boar is the only brush that really breaks in, and you can use it right away, but some will be pretty stiff if you face lather. If you find that irritating do a palm lather, rinse the brush and let it dry for 2 days. Repeat as many times as you deem necessary to get it soft enough. But you can do the same thing on your face and get the same result.

My boars are all Semogue except one - and the exception was the only stinky brush.
I recently received a SOC Boar brush. I gave it a quick wash just to remove any factory residue in some shampoo that my wife buys, Mane & Tale I think is the brand. It dried overnight and I started using it the next morning. I hope it never breaks in because it is wonderful the way it is.
Soak in warm water. Use some dish soap, palm lather and rinse. Use some shave soap again palm lather a few times and rinse. Then start using as a shave brush. Using it breaks it in. There is no real”trick” 👍🏼
I never wanted to hurry up and wear out a brush, but was never a fan of the natural musk many brushes come with. I would throw a few things at them if the smell was too much for me. Vinegar mixed with water, Dawn dish soap, followed by 2-3 visits to different pucks of soap with a good hand lather of each.
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