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How did you Vote?

Do you vote Straight Ticket?

  • I always do, regardless

  • I never have. I vote for the person.

  • Generally yes, with a rare exception.

  • Generally no, but it's not out of the question.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I usually vote straight ticket when it comes to positions...I however, do not always follow party recommendations when voting on issues/ propositions/ measures.
First I'll say that I never intentionally vote straight party line. I research candidates and decide from there, and generally end up on one party.

IMHO voting should be migrated as much as possible to voting by mail. I get my ballots automatically every time now and it is great. Herding the whole populace through polling places on a workday is just bad design.
As much as I'd like to agree with this for convenience sake, it does allow the most possibility of fraud. They mail out ballots and get ballots back with no possible way of knowing that you are actually the one who marked your ballot or that you marked it of your own free will.
I know plenty of states have started the early voting idea, Colorado, where I live, being one of them. I did vote early and they had Saturday open for voting. You could vote up to 3 weeks early and I think there were 3 or 4 others voting when I went in. I think this is a much better option.
There's no reason now not to have a webcam in every polling place, live and recorded, watching the election officials. That might help reduce some of this nonsense.

This I completely agree with.
As much as I'd like to agree with this for convenience sake, it does allow the most possibility of fraud. They mail out ballots and get ballots back with no possible way of knowing that you are actually the one who marked your ballot or that you marked it of your own free will.

I think I have to agree with this. Mail in ballots don't seem like a good idea at all to me.
All forms of voting have problems
1) Computers- can be hacked
2) mail in- not the right person voting
3) Polling place- Fake Ids

Voter fraud happens. Normally I don't think the amount of fraud changes the winner. However, as our country is getting more and more split on politics, we are seeing many close elections where fraud probably changed the election. The Washington state Governor election 6 years ago and the AL Franken Senate campaign come to mind.
I actually never vote/select "straight ticket", but I've never once voted for a Democrat. I've written in a few names of true conservatives (Ron Paul over McCain/Obama in 2008), and a few local independents, though.
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