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How are you against the grain...of shave geek opinion?

You don't like Prorasso, you sir have offended... we shall duel, pistols at dawn. :lol:

Seriously though, this thread is allowing us all to say the things that we may have been keeping to ourselves, I personally feel this is a great idea as it can show newbies that you don't need a second house to store your shave den.

Well, I would say that a second house may be a bit much, but a shed in the back yard (that is temperature and humidity controlled of course) isn't too much to ask, is it? :lol:
I really don't like too much of a smell at all in the products I use. I like smelling kind of fresh after I shave, but not perfumey. I use the unscented Mama Bear's, some unscented witch hazel and some nivea balm.
I don't collect razors or brushes.

For me one brush is enough too. It's a quality brush that gives me great lather in no time and it feels good against the skin. Plus there's only so much space in our bathroom...

I have also found, as my technique has continued to improve, I can get a decent shave out of any razor with a suitable blade (some are better and some worse, of course). So unless I start collecting some day, I think my RAD has stopped at under ten razors.
I collect pomades, though. This comes from years of combing a rockabilly pomp on my forefront. Now I'm into a spiky thing, so I use almost exclusively Krew Comb, but I've got'em all: Black & White, Sweet Georgia Brown, Murray's, Layrite, Hold Fast, Lucky 13 junior... you name it.

Just want to give props to a fellow Krew Comb user, as I thought I was the only one left in the world. I'm actually nervous for they day its ever discontinued.
The whole "no pressure" advice comes from the fact that many guys are trying a new way of shaving, having come from the cart razor world. As the carts get older, rather than change them, many folks just grind the razor into the face to try to eke out just one more shave.

The advice of no pressure is to prevent those newer guys from pressing the razor into the face. It's still good advice for a new guy, and most people figure out pretty quickly that you have to maintain enough pressure to keep the razor in contact with the face, as you have figured it out...

Right. "No pressure" is a euphemism for "light touch". Every time you see "no pressure", think "light touch".
After reading this thread I found that I am not alone in my heresy:

(2) I just don't understand why so many adore menthol.

Well there it is my open confession to B&B. Fellow Badgerists and Boarists please forgive me!

The only thing I can say after yesterday is that those areas of sensitive skin (i.e. around the mouth area) on some don't get irritated with the menthol creams. Other than that, it does make the eyes water a bit. :laugh:
...It absolutely drives me up a wall, though, when I see people doing N-S as a first pass on their neck. I just don't get that! :blink: That could literally kill me with all the blood loss!
I just envy those who can start with a simple N-S on the neck, cause it's so much easier to shave flat surfaces that way. My grain runs pretty horizontal, except in the middle, so I have to mess with those E-W strokes.

...who has gone back and tried a fusion with gel and proper technique, and what were the results? What made the biggest difference in shaving: technique, more water, brush/soap, or blade?
I'm doing pretty much that, though with a Trac-II rather than Fusion (if anyone wants to PIF me a Fusion though, I'll post my results:biggrin1:). I'm tracking my results in this thread.
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