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Holy cow, ATT is back


I shaved a fortune
Thanks for posting! The X1 is the only razor from the lineup that we have yet to try. So we'll get our hands on one soon to assess it as a future product.

Interesting suggestion regarding choosing handle material separately. I think this is unlikely due to inventory management and SKU reduction for the time being. We tend to lean into simplicity for both our customers and ourselves. So it's cleaner from an ordering and fulfillment standpoint if the materials are consistent for an entire product. Something we can consider in the long term, for sure.
My only issue with that is buying another handle and stand adds ~ $130 for me. Lots of companies allow you to select the razor head with its base plate options separately and then choose from the handle selections. You’ll choose what works best for you and your customers, as you mentioned.
Lots of companies allow you to select the razor head with its base plate options separately and then choose from the handle selections.

I think this head/handle business model is a mistake and choosing to not do this is one of the smartest things we did with the Blackland brand. ATT used that head/handle model in the past and I do not think it was wise.

That said, we're always happy to help customers at both our brands. Just shoot us an email and we can usually manage a simple custom order like this no problem.


I got moves like Jagger
How do you know that the reason it didn't work for you was that the blade wasn't twisted enough? We have not changed that aspect of the razor, but I'm genuinely curious to know how you identified this feature as the culprit and not one of the many other differences between those two razors.

I have used several of the vintage slants and the greater the helix, the better they work. The Fasan has the greatest amount of helix of any I have tried.

We used to have a thread specifically for slants here, but it has wound down and isn't active any longer. There was a lot of discussion in there along these lines.

The final item is that the S2 increased performance with a bit of a sliding motion while using it. And that aspect tells me that the helix is a bit too mild.

It might not be in your interest to produce a slant with a greater degree of helix as that does tend to make the razor a bit scary looking. Many people don't like that aspect of the Fasans.

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