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Hold off yer brush purchases..... B&B Forum Brush

joel said:
Nope no worries - the details have not yet been released from John! :smile:

... and at the rate this is going, we may have to beat it out of him. :biggrin: J/K John, you are doing an incredible job with this. Thanks.
NMMB said:
... and at the rate this is going, we may have to beat it out of him. :biggrin: J/K John, you are doing an incredible job with this. Thanks.

Oh, there's a whole lot of knowing and a whole lot of not telling going on right now. BUT...I'd prefer to spill the beans when I know what all of the beans are. The supplier and I have been hammering out the details over the past week and are closing in on "the" brush. Until then, go bug Joel about his new cologne.
Well, I just finished reading my way through the progression of this brush. Either way, I did like your design Kyle. I guess this is a moot point since the original idea has been scrapped. I'm definately eager to see what will/has been planned for the new B&B brush. It would be really great if this was available in around late November/December. :wink2:
Just a slight update for you guys (and gals). You will presented with a fabulous brush buying oportunity in November from a well known manufacturer. At this time, if you're interested in the brush (from the details Joel posted a week or so ago, please PM me. This is not for pre-order, or to get on the list, or any kind of commitement. I'm just trying to get a rough count of how many people are interested.
From Joel's post-
Bad news... and good news....

Bad News - the intial plan/idea had to be scrapped, as we just could not find anyone who could build it to spec (in a high quality manner) at ANY price. Since then we have been scouring high and low investigting possibilities for the forum brush, we want something special/one of a kind, tremendously high quality - and an outstanding value.

Good News - We have one solid commitment from a major manufacturer (no further details will be mentioned at this point until we filter all of the info, and the development team decides which route is the best) to make our forum an OUTSTANDING shaving brush with a new grade/quality of hair that has not been experienced by the masses as of yet - it is a new "ultra high end" grade of bader hair) All at a special price to us.... for $105. Outstanding value at less than 1/3 the cost of the offering that is available to the "public."

We are also investigating 2 other options, one of which a genuine horn razor, brush and shave bowl, complete with stands and such.

It's been quite a long journey.... but ideally i'd like to have a solid commitment, and have us ready to proceed on ONE of the options by the end of next week - at the latest.

Stay tuned... as something is gonna happen... and soon!
Thanks John!
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