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Hipsters are Killing American Razor Sales

My head is still quite hip, I'm happy to report. My face was hip in the mid-70s, and my upper lip was hip through '83 or so.

My ears are starting to get hip and I'm not liking it...

Every man should have a beard for awhile. Builds character.
The hipster "facial hair at all costs" thing is really out of control here in Richmond, VA. Spielberg filmed his Lincoln movie here and the town was overrun with extras sporting 19th century facial hairstyles and almost two years later they haven't cut it off.

Not everyone can sport a beard. Some of these kids look so utterly ridiculous to me with their thin splotchy beards I just want to hold them down and shave them myself. I've got nothing against a beard or a 'stache but if you don't have what it takes to make it look good then SHAVE IT OFF! I am well aware that a full beard is out of the question for me (I'm missing a small patch or two on each cheek) so I don't even try. I'm not even the most clean cut guy you'll ever see but I know better than looking like a hobo with a jacked up beard.

Learn to shave kids!
I agree with Ron Scott, if you haven't at least tried to grow a beard at some point in your life you should. I had a full one for 4 years, guess I was a few years ahead of the times....
A lot of people blame prices, and some few mention DE shaves in the commentary.

As I said a year back when starting to grow my moustache, which has since come off, but I'm growing it back: The only thing I miss is that I can't shave as much of my face any more. Still - I never like getting a smooth shave on the upper lip. Too much burn. Most peoples with beards will still shave, I think.
More follicle-savvy face scapers, meanwhile, have stepped up to boutique sellers like The Art of Shaving, which stresses durable, fashionable razors over disposables... Yeah, the penchant for reclaimed and sustainable goods just happens to be a hipster stereotype that's true.

I think we all qualify, no?
True, but we do have to absorb the defualts on their student loans, pay for their health care, and pay the costs of their "bath salt" smoking since they are a bunch of smelly, unemployable, slobs.

Pretty broad strokes in this thread.
Maybe i'm just too old but I don't get what a hipster is. To me, they sterotypically look like lumberjacks, but I can't truthfully say i've seen or recognized a hipster in person.

The other weekend, I was taking my kids to get some ice cream and there were a bunch of kids (everyone is a kid to me now) just sitting around enjoying their ice cream. The guys had beards and coiffed hair, one even wore a tophat or bowler of some sort. The girls were wearing dresses that looked like they came out of the 50's and 60's. All said and done, I thought that they could be hipsters, but given these hipsters, kids dressed in punk/goth or thug clothing, i'd prefer the hipsters based on clothing style alone.
True, but we do have to absorb the defualts on their student loans, pay for their health care, and pay the costs of their "bath salt" smoking since they are a bunch of smelly, unemployable, slobs.
I bet you're a wonderful person to be around at Thanksgiving. You sound like my father and uncle who do nothing but complain about people other than themselves and how they bring the country down.

This is a shaving forum. No one wants to hear your bitterness toward other groups of people.
Yes, telling other people how to excersize their 1st Amendment Rights is certainly in the libertine spirit of being a hipster. Oh wait, that must be the hypocracy I was referencing. Free speach for all, as long as you approve of it!

BTW, I don't want to hear your bitterness towards a group of people like your father and uncle. I don't include myself in that group because my kids aren't hipsters, I would never raise one.
Oh get off it. You deserved it. And by the way, the First Amendment doesn't apply to a privately-owned forum such as this one. And if you have a problem with what I said, PM a mod. I don't care.

Any chance of this getting back on track? I enjoy that this is one of the few forums I can visit without seeing politics or aggressive perceptions on social issues that some people may not have the correct perspective on.
Any chance of this getting back on track? I enjoy that this is one of the few forums I can visit without seeing politics or aggressive perceptions on social issues that some people may not have the correct perspective on.
That's why I said what I said. This is a shaving forum. I'd rather not go into a topic and see people disparaged unfairly because of perception.
Currently the young folks here with beards have Amish beards.They live in fear of a "porn stache".
I personally have a goatee complete with mustache,my upper lip has been fuzzed since my teen years and will remain so until death.I personally boycott the local stores that force men to feminize their faces to work for them and have for many years.A mans right to his own face is more important than some companies twisted grooming policy.Stand up for facial hair freedom.
I think we all qualify, no?

I'm in for the reclaimed and sustainable, but not for AoS.

The Art of Shaving may have on display a few overpriced Merkur razors and a couple of not shave ready shave ready straights, but they make the majority of their razor money on all of the cartridge razor junk they sell. They sell a Fusion handle with a light bulb in it, and an oscillating shaving brush, for crying out loud.
AoS customers are our hipsters. They think they're cool, but they're really just giving money to 'the man'. We laugh at their adolescent attempts at cool. We here are true non-conformists. :001_cool:

Then you should have spoke up sooner. The criticism of hipsters has been going on since the earliest posts in this thread, but you singled mine out. They were apparently taken in the humorous tone that they were given, up until you became the arbiter of good taste.

Your comments were a bit bitter for my taste as well.
My office is in a hipster friendly area of town. Within a 2 block radius of my office is my "local" a hipster bar I frequent despite being the oldest, squarest, most shaven guy in the place (and the only one wearing a suit un ironically), and a hipster oriented barber shop that offers a lot of beard trimming but also straight shaves and DR Harris products. Between the good beer And brick and mortar shave shop, these hipsters are okay with me.
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