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HG Custom Straights

I wasn't able to find a thread about Gergely's razors, and looking at his site, it seems like he makes gorgeous razors:

I have seen a couple pop up in SOTD threads, and would be keen to learn more from those who own one. Please share your experiences (and photos!)

Some initial questions/observations:

He seems, like Andrej, to mostly offer heavier grinds. I was able to find one bellied hollow, but his site loads appallingly slowly so I may have missed any other hollow grinds.

What is his wait time like? He has a no questions asked return policy, so I imagine he is great to deal with.

I'm not sure how I feel about the hex pivot: does the benefit outweigh the aesthetic hit?
Mine is quarter hollow. Well made razor, grind is perfect, steel takes a good edge.
No idea on times since I got mine on the secondary market.
The hex thing, honestly I don't even notice it. I guess it's easier for people who don't want to use a hammer to tighten their scales. Don't know.
Teaser :p

good day all,

I have also stumbled across the HG Razors website, has anyone had any experience with his work?
Well, it took a lot longer than I anticipated, but it finally arrived!

Gergely Horváth Scimitar 9/8 Extra Hollow in dark horn with brass hardware.

This sprang out of the questions I asked at the start of this thread. I ended up contacting Gergely and, as these things happen, we got talking about grinds, options etc. After some back and forth, which he conducted promptly and with helpful questions and/or suggestions, I landed on a design. To clarify that he had understood what I was after, he sent me the sketch upthread. This all happened late last year. He set a very reasonable expectation about waiting time. and provided updates via social channels.

When I unpacked the razor just now I was impressed. The fit and finish are superb*; the tolerances precise, and the balance and functional qualities en pointe. This is a lovely razor. It is also big: coming in at 19/16 from spine to edge.

Under magnification, the bevel is a marvel of precision. All along the length of the smile, on both sides, the bevel is perfectly even. Given the size of the blade, and the concavity of the hollow, that is quite a testament to the geometry.

Anyway, I'll leave further comments until after I shave with it tomorrow afternoon. For the time being, I can only heartily recommend Gergely as a maker you can trust with your designs.

* One note: before I paid for the razor, he sent me the above video and pointed out two small flaws that he wanted me to be aware of. One, in truth, I couldn't and still can't find, the other was of no real consequence. In any event, he offered me a discount as the razor was not exactly as we agreed. I took this to be confirmation of his integrity as a person and commitment as an artisan.
The grind and finishing look impressive, and the scales, including a beautifully crafted wedge within the scales, are perfect. It's great to see a craftsman who can truly bring everything together. It's a clone and modern take on a Japanese SK 3, but there is nothing wrong with that. You cannot reinvent the wheel. Congratulations on your beautiful custom razor.
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