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Henson worth it for experienced DE shaver?

Just to add a little more context.
The Henson forces you (guides) to the fixed angle that it should be used at. This design is helpful to beginners and for experienced DE shavers there are a ton of other options. If you can use a r41 the user has experience.

*As a side note have you considered going into the Library field? Finding and pulling information from a post from Feb 2023 to add context is commendable.
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In addition, many "experienced DE shavers" like to try different shaving angles for fun and analyze the difference in experience...

I don't believe there are numerous angles per razor, to be tried for fun...every razor has just one angle for optimal
cutting...but in practice, the razor will still cut to some extent... as long as your hand is moving it over skin.

That does not mean there are all these promising angles just waiting to be celebrated and explored.

In this aspect, the Henson is not as forgiving as other razors...it lets you know very quickly if you are off angle.
To me, that's not a bug it's a feature.
Hi, new to the forum! I’ve been DE shaving for around a decade now and was wondering if any experienced shavers have tried it and found it to be a revelation? I ask because I’ve seen a lot of mixed opinions online about it, some saying it’s geared more towards beginners. My current DE rotation is a Merkur 34C, PAA Ascension Double Open Comb, and a Muhle R41.

I guess I’m intrigued by the unique head design, but also wonder if I’d even like it given its fixed cutting angle. I mostly use the PAA as I find the Merkur 34C just kinda boring to be honest. I wouldn’t say it’s less efficient, it just doesn’t give the same amount of feedback that I like. The Mule R41 I only use when I haven’t shaved in close to a week.

You got the bug of explorer, DE Razors.


My exploding razor knows secrets
I don't believe there are numerous angles per razor, to be tried for fun...every razor has just one angle for optimal
cutting...but in practice, the razor will still cut to some extent... as long as your hand is moving it over skin.

That does not mean there are all these promising angles just waiting to be celebrated and explored.

In this aspect, the Henson is not as forgiving as other razors...it lets you know very quickly if you are off angle.
To me, that's not a bug it's a feature.
At B&B, we have heard more than once that some people prefer riding the cap on one razor, while another prefers riding the guard, and still others switch between them depending on their skin condition.

Even Blackland, a well-known and highly praised razor manufacturer, once wrote, "I play with angle all the time."

Don’t forget, when an adjustable razor changes the gap, its cutting angle and exposure will also change.
So there is no "every razor has just one angle for optimal cutting".

Congratulations on finding your favorite single angle, but the world of DE razors is a lot more flexible.


The Lather Maestro
Well, opinions clearly differ widely on this one. But I’m a 13-year DE shaver, mostly with a Merkur 34C, and I found the AL13++ to be a revelation.

But I think one has to shave with it daily for two weeks to be able to judge it, it’s just so different. First shaves were great but not other-worldly. Now that I’ve used it for almost a month, I’m getting effortless, BBS shaves daily, without a lot of touch up, just doing the normal daily effort I used to do with the 34C. It is remarkably better, more efficient, and more comfortable for me.

It ended my razor experimentation, I think, except for my annual red tip birthday razor shave, or an occasional outing with a Schick injector, I think the Henson AL13++ is “the rest of my life razor.”
the aggressive version sounds interesting as it could be a nice bridge between the PAA and Muhle R41. One important piece of information I forgot to mention was that I typically shave every 2-3 days, so the mild Henson would probably be out of the question

One thing to think about is, the Henson is a quite expensive razor. You can get some really nice alternatives in that price range.

When I got my Hensons (+ and +++), I splurged and also got two Razorock Lupos at the same time, the aluminum version, and the stainless steel version, 0.72

Of those four, I have no hesitation recommending just one of them to you, based on your description of what you already use:
Get the stainless steel Lupo .72 ...! (or perhaps consider even going .95)
That is an awesome DE razor, that will compliment and bridge you Merkur 34 and your Muhle R41 very nicely (I have plenty experience with both those razors too).

The locked angle of the Henson just remains a pain in the rear, frankly. Shaving with it is "doable", but I cannot say it's a pleasure, no matter whether its the + or the +++. It's beautifully designed and all, no problem there (it's the most beautiful aluminum razor I have seen ... ), but for that kind of money, I want a better shaving tool, and you can easily find that in that price range.
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The locked angle of the Henson just remains a pain in the rear, frankly. Shaving with it is "doable", but I cannot say it's a pleasure, no matter whether its the + or the +++.

I use both and have never had a problem finding the angle. It's like any other razor, perhaps a wee bit more finicky.


Cool and slimy
Well, opinions clearly differ widely on this one. But I’m a 13-year DE shaver, mostly with a Merkur 34C, and I found the AL13++ to be a revelation
I don't know how many of these 13 years you were on B&B, but if being here resulting in buying only ONE more razor, that's quite a thing. Let's see how many more will be added to the collection over the next 13 years! 😜
I got rid of several razors after I bought mine. Unfortunately the first ++ I bought was left in a hotel room never to be recovered, so it was replaced with a +++. it definitely handles several days of growth better but it doesn’t affect the Henson ease of use. My one two punch creams are a pea-sized squeeze of Jack Black Beard under Jack Black Supreme Cream, hand lathered. Possibly the best shave ever.
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I use both and have never had a problem finding the angle. It's like any other razor, perhaps a wee bit more finicky.
The problem is not "finding" the angle. problem is adjusting the angle. Not possible with a Henson, you can basically only shave with it at one set angle, unlike any other DE razor.
One thing to think about is, the Henson is a quite expensive razor. You can get some really nice alternatives in that price range.

When I got my Hensons (+ and +++), I splurged and also got two Razorock Lupos at the same time, the aluminum version, and the stainless steel version, 0.72

Of those four, I have no hesitation recommending just one of them to you, based on your description of what you already use:
Get the stainless steel Lupo .72 ...! (or perhaps consider even going .95)
That is an awesome DE razor, that will compliment and bridge you Merkur 34 and your Muhle R41 very nicely (I have plenty experience with both those razors too).

The locked angle of the Henson just remains a pain in the rear, frankly. Shaving with it is "doable", but I cannot say it's a pleasure, no matter whether its the + or the +++. It's beautifully designed and all, no problem there (it's the most beautiful aluminum razor I have seen ... ), but for that kind of money, I want a better shaving tool, and you can easily find that in that price range.

In terms of craftsmanship, yes. As a tool for shaving .. ahem, I don't think so.
Well I disagree and I have been shaving for 45 years. No guess work. If you like to fiddle with things, other razors might be more “fun” I suppose, but I lost interest in that.
The problem is not "finding" the angle. problem is adjusting the angle. Not possible with a Henson, you can basically only shave with it at one set angle, unlike any other DE razor.

I don't find myself doing a lot of that personally...adjusting the angle.
Seems that this is a contentious topic so I'll leave it at that :)

Update: just shaved with the +++ in Ti to confirm my comments.
Yep...no need to adjust anything for me...one angle....found it...kept it

One hack for the adventurous...tighten the handle completely, then unscrew a turn or so.
It increases blade feel and provides a slightly wider angle of attack...but this is only for experienced wet shavers.
Please do not risk if not confident.
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My exploding razor knows secrets
Well I disagree and I have been shaving for 45 years. No guess work. If you like to fiddle with things, other razors might be more “fun” I suppose, but I lost interest in that.
We sympathize with your loss.

I didn't know we started comparing years.
Shaving is not a CNC or lathe. Everyone has a different face, and their years and experience are only valid for themselves.
We sympathize with your loss.

I didn't know we started comparing years.
Shaving is not a CNC or lathe. Everyone has a different face, and their years and experience are only valid for themselves.

That reminds me when I see someone claiming that he have/had or tried over 200-500 ''different razors'', while in fact if he really have or had that many razors, I bet more than 70% of those are duplicates of the most common most vintage razors such as Techs and Super Speeds. I would be really shocked if someone can give me a list of say 300 of his own razors and most of them are absolutely unique and not just 50-100 copies of the same razor, but with a different plating or handle.
One thing to think about is, the Henson is a quite expensive razor.

It's beautifully designed and all, no problem there (it's the most beautiful aluminum razor I have seen ... ), but for that kind of money, I want a better shaving tool, and you can easily find that in that price range.
As much as I like the Henson, I concur re the price. Once shipping is added in it is closing in on the $100 mark.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I shaved with the Henson a handful of times so it won't be a deep analysis of the Henson. I used the Merkur 38c (like the 34c that you own but with the barber pole (long) handle) for a few years (in a row). I have a 34c in a pile on my desk to try as I am curious to compare it.

My first impressions are very positive on that razor. I tried a few aluminum razors in the past and did not like them. This one is easy to use (finding the blade angle). I have the regular version of the Henson (so no +, ++, or +++).

The only negative point that I had was the handle. I found it to be a bit slippery compared to something like the Merkur which has a good knurling.
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